Why Me?

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That's where I lost Pig.

He rolled over on his side and laid there, lifeless. There wasn't really anything I could do. I stand up slowly and back away.

I needed to continue on.

I start walking down the small dirt road, in hopes of finding something.

I keep walking.

And walking.

And walking.

Until it was almost pitch black outside.

I saw a small light. I start running closer and closer.

It was just a gas station.

I was getting a bit hungry. I look in my pockets. I only had a dollar, so I'll make do with that. I go inside the gas station and look around. I find a pack of M&Ms for 99¢. I pay for them and leave.

I continue walking as I eat the small bag.

Still unsure of where I was actually going to go.

Or where I am going for that matter.

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