Darkness Overcomes Daylight/Writemas

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I opened my eyes to a modern bedroom, laying on a bed, with a plaid comforter thrown over me. I sat up and looked around. The clock on the nightstand read 2:36 a.m. I ran over to the door and down the hall.

"I have to find Pig. He needs me." I said.

The outside contained only of wild life. It looked like there had been no humankind in here for years.

Many people would have screamed or even yelled for help already knowing it wasn't worth it, but I just turned back around and excepted that there was no way for me to overcome what was holding me back. An electric fence was surrounding the house with a single door blocking my every way to freedom.

"Locked.. I'm locked out?" I whispered throwing myself to the grassy ground that was everywhere around me.

"Of course you're locked. We wouldn't want you to get out." A man was leaning against the door I walked out of to come outside. He was pretty tall and had grayish brown hair and green eyes.

"You have to wait until Cass gets here. It's his birthday today."

"His birthday?! You've taken me because it is your son's birthday?!"

"Why yes. It's a tradition. My wife is in there." he said pointing to the inside of the house.

"I also have a little girl. She looks just like her mother." the man said smiling ear to ear.

Tears started streaming down my face causing me to wipe my cheeks with the back of my hands. He started to walk over to me and picked me up.

"Let me go! You kidnapped me! Why! I'm not even 14!" I screamed struggling to break free from his hands.

"I think Cass is going to like you then.." he said pulling me closer against him.

"Why!?" I screamed. The man covered my mouth with his hand.

"Because Cass is only 16." he said carrying me inside, setting my down on the couch.

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