Stay Away From Me!

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I ran all through the house until I bumped into the little girl the dad of all these boys first claimed he had.

"Woa-. Wait. Aren't you the little girl? Do you have like 9 brothers or something close to that?" I said laying on the floor.

"Yep. I have 9. But I'm daddy's favwritete! Are you Cass's girlfriend?!" She said clapping her hands together.

"We can say that," I said zoning out, "hey have you seen Cass for any reason?"

"Yea! Yea! He's in your woom! Can you tell him that I wuv him?"

"Sure sweetie." I said standing back onto my feet.

"Fank you! Fank you!" She cheered as I headed down the hallway into our room.

"Cass!" I yelled walking into the room through the closed doorway but he wasn't in there and I didn't get a response either.

"Cass?" I said knocking on the door.

"What babe?" He said turning the shower on.

"I have to talk to you.." I said sitting against the door.

"Will you come in here?! I can't here you!" He said.

I covered my eyes and stood up, opening the door.

"Cass I-"

"Why are you covering your eyes? You. Have. To. Get. Used. To. Me." I shut the door and turned back at him, looking at the floor.

"Come here."

"What? No!" I said backing up against the door.

"Don't make me mad Lyric. This isn't how it's going to be all the time." He said obviously disappointed. 

"By the way your sister said she loved you." I said slamming the door closed after walking out.

Burning Daylight Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora