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Abby looked at her reflection in the mirror carefully. She was trying to find herself through her immaculate reflection. She thought about what she was going to do with her life, she was too clueless to even think about what wants. Even when she turns to the safety of her parents riches, she doesn't feel at all complete. She was lacking a part of herself.

Abby has been waiting for far too long for her driver. She was in her room that was full of dull décors. Pink and floral patterns seemed to be the reoccurring theme of their house designer.

"Mother!" She calls, looking at herself one last time before exiting her bedroom. She runs down the staircase and to the guest room where she sees her mother entertaining herself.

"Yes, darling." Her mother replies as she puts down the fashion magazine she was currently reading. Her long and wrinkling fingers find its way to the curls of her gray hair.

"Where is Damian?" Abby ask with her voice raised and her arms crossed against her chest. Even when she acted this way, her mother never scolded her. She was far too exhausted of herself to entertain such manners.

"Oh, he'll be here, Abby." She replies calmly and took a sip of her creamed and decaffeinated coffee. Her high blood pressure was serious enough to stop her from drinking strong coffee to sugar-less caffeine.

"But I'll be late, Tommy's gonna show me something today." Abby argues turning her heels and walked back to her room to retrieve her Gucci bag. She didn't hesitate looking back at her mother, she knew she didn't care about her baby-like tantrums.

Doubling her steps up the stairs, she got to her room in a instant. She look outside her window just for curiosity's sake and when she did, her driver was already seen pulling on their driveway. She hurriedly grab her bag and pranced like a maniac down the stairs.

"I'll go now, mom!" She waves her hand while her mom did the same though her full attention not on her daughter but the pages she was engulfed with. Abby runs to the big wooden doors and pushes it open for herself.

"Sorry for being late, Miss Young." She just smiled and Damian opened the car doors for her. This was her daily ritual— shower, eat breakfast, wait for Damian, complain about it,  gets inside the car and wait for Damian to receive instructions from her mother. Damian gets inside the house while Abby looks outside the window trying to think about the scenarios of what Tommy might show her.

When Damian finally did get inside the car, he looks at her and gives her a smile and another good morning greeting. Damian was young and very handsome with his gorgeous blonde locks and light blue eyes. He was a few years older than Abby and if he wasn't just a driver, she would totally have a big crush on him..

Tommy Elliot and Abby are arranged marriage. Both their parents had sealed their deals to marry off their children to each other. Abby didn't like that but what else can she do? Nothing, she was made to oblige to her parents requests—demands. Abby couldn't complain much cause all Tommy have been to her is kind and compassionate. At least he could give her that. Tommy doesn't seem bother about the decisions of his parents not like Abby who is tossing and turning every night thinking about her wasted youth and freedom.

As the school was into view, Abby straighten up her position and fixes her uniform. She spreads a smile across her face, a happy facade and lifts her bag to her shoulders.

Damian opens the door for her while he takes Abby's hand and she gets out of the car in a graceful motion. She fixed her skirt as she steps into the marbled pavement uttering a "Thank you." to him in which he replied with a sweet smile. Abby walks up the long stairs to the entrance of the school; Anders Preparatory Academy, she read in her head. She always thought this school was certainly not a school for a girl like her.

Abby pushed the doors open looking at her watch every once in a while checking if she could still catch up with Tommy. The emptied hallways and quiet air was enough to tell her that everyone was inside their classrooms already. She turn to the right hoping to find Tommy at her locker where they proposed to meet each other. In the back of her mind, she doubted that he would still be there but to her small surprise, he was still there. Leaning on her locker, eyes searching. When he sees her, he immediately cheers up.

"Abby." He calls while Abby walks faster to him with a small smile on her tinted lips.

"Hi, Tommy." She greets as Tommy planted a small kiss on her cheek—a sweet gesture of his. She blushed and pushed her hair to the back of her ears.

"You took so long. I suppose it was your driver, Damian, who was late again." He says grinning at Abby.

"Yes, it was him." She replies a shade of pink flushing across her face once again. Tommy chuckles as he looked at her green eyes. "What are you gonna show me Tommy?" Abby ask opening her locker.

"Oh, yeah." He reached something in his pockets as Abby turned away from him and stuff her algebra textbook inside her locker. "This," Abby turned to him. He had a cheesy grin that you would expect from an in love college boy. In between his fingers were two tickets for the circus.

"You're taking me to the circus?" She ask clarifying, her voice cracking a bit while her eyes widen in surprise.

"Yes." He says confidently knowing that she loved the circus and its ruckus.

"Awe, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed hugging Tommy tight as he hugged her back smelling the scent of her sweet perfume.

Abby had not visited circuses in years. If not her parents traded her for their work, she would be there every week. She would be their favorite and esteemed guest.

Circus Freak » Jerome Valeska [COMPLETED] {EDITING}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum