Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep!

I woke up to noisy alarm clock that tells me I have to get up. My life is not the best to wake up to. I live in an orphanage that isn't the nicest. I have no idea who my parents are and my time has passed for getting adopted.

I'm not the cute chubby cheeked baby I was before. I'm not one of those kids with some sob story that makes you want to cry and I'm not a girl where everything goes perfectly.

Oh yeah and I have this weird thing. I can feel someone inside me. I know that sounds really weird. It's true one time I actually saw a closet and heard voices. I know I'm jacked up.

I was at least glad that I didn't have to go to school it was summer break after all. I decided to wear a black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I threw on my red converse and dashed down the stairs to see a angry looking Beatrice. She looked like I just killed her puppy.

"Isabel" she said with venom. Mrs. Bea was our foster mom and she's scary. She is your typical money loving women who was only doing this for the government to give her the next paycheck. If you guessed she's like the lady in Annie then you're correct.

"Yes that is my name" I shot back. Yeah yeah I know I shouldn't be sassy but it just slipped out.

"You do not sass me, I put a roof over your head and food in your mouth and that's how you repay me, now go take out the trash and make breakfast for the rest" she yelled at me. I'm the oldest here and I am the one responsible for everything.

I'm only 11 and I have more responsibilities than most. I grabbed the trash and ran down to the corner of the street threw the trash in and made my way back to the apartment. We only have 12 kids here and all of them are 7-3 years old and I'm the one to take care of them.

Once I got back I grabbed the carton of eggs and a large pan and started to crack each one of them setting the into the sizzling pan. I took out 11 plates and setting them on the table I put each steaming egg on its own plate. I then grabbed a loaf of bread and set in the middle of the table and grabbed jam to put next to it.

"FOODS READY" I yelled up the stairs. A chorus of feet came running down the stairs. I grabbed a plate for myself and made a peanut butter sandwich and went to my room. Lilac who was eight and acts very old for age. She's a mini drill Sargent. I ate my food and because of boredom I cleaned the living room making sure everything this in place.

I heard a knock on the door and I made my way over. I saw a tired looking man who had a long silver beard.

"Hello my names dumbledore are you Ms. Isabel" the man claiming to be Dumbledore said.

"Yes that's me" I replied back and he only smiled. Mrs. Bea magically appeared by my side.

"Who are you?" She asks Dumbledore.

"I am Dumbledore Miss and I would like to offer Isabel here to come to my school" he said.

"No, she would like to stay here,  she has much work to do" Mrs. Bea said with a sickly sweet smile.

"I think the decision is up to her"  he said. Of course I want to go anything to get me out of this hell hole.

"I would love to come" I said to Dumbledore.

"Alright go pack your bags I'll be back in a hour" he said.
Thanks so much for reading. I know it's kinda short but I typed this in my notes app. Actually for awhile I was to scared to put it out there but anyway yeah it's supper short. Thanks for reading I love you

Good bye my fellow pizza lovers!
-fairlynnA your awkward cookie

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