Chapter 8

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"Gryffindors, follow me please. Keep up. Thank you." Percy says for the millionth time.
"This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases...they like to change." Change? I bet you my first baby I'm going to fall. Or get lost.

"Keep up, please, and follow me. Quickly now, come on. Come on." Percy says again; personally it's getting on my nerves.
"Seamus, that picture's moving!" Shouts Neville. I actually talked to him he's really nice and sweet.
"Look at that one, Harry!" Ron yells.
"I think she fancies you." Harry says a little more quitter than Ron.


We getting close to the Gryffindor dorms and I was so excited. We come up to a large painting of a large kind of ugly woman in a pink dress.

"Password?" She says.
"Caput Draconis." Percy says.

The woman nods and the painting opens to reveal a gape in the wall. "Follow me, everyone. Keep up, quickly, come on." Again on and on Percy go's

Now we were Inside the common room. It was so snug and warm. I sent an exited smile to Harry who sent a warm smile back.

"Gather 'round here. Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys' dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up. " Percy explains

Hermione comes over and links arms with me as we walk up two our dormitory.

"I'm so excited I cannot wait for classes tomorrow" I squeal as a girl next to me gives me a dirty look and I just sticked my tongue at her.

"Is that your comeback sticking out your tongue at someone" she says and giggles.

"Yes it works they seem weirded out by it so they have nothing to say." I tell her and she just laughs.

We settle into bed even though we talked till twelve; Hermione instead we go to bed because we needed our beauty sleep before we had class tomorrow.

"Hermione you coming!" I yell to her as we promised to go to class together.

"Yah just a second" she says after she walked into the room with her books.

"You ready" she says with the biggest smile ever.

"Of course" I say and link my arm with hers as we walk down to transfiguration.

We sat down and took out our books.

You have no idea how excited I am.

I am still confused about what me and Harry were doing, talking to each other through our brains. Seriously that stuff is scary. If you actually think about it though it seems like it could happen. I mean we are in a wizard school that exists.

Honestly I kinda knew there was someone in my head. I could feel that sensation of someone watching but not in a creepy way more in a best friend or sibling way.

I look around and see that Harry and Ron aren't here. Where could they be. Well actually they aren't that smart so they can't have gone to far.

I see Hermione is looking for them too. I can tell she's worried. I think I have already figured her out. First of all I know she gonna worry and second it's for a good reason, she looking out for her friends.

Hermione looks at me and almost as if she is telling me that I should be worried. Awe it's okay Hermione. I know I'm weird, don't judge.

"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron says. Told ya they'd be here.

The cat jumps off the desk and turns into Professor McGonagall. The two boys are amazed. This does not include me, I actually read a book on her and she is a freaking amigus like what.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron blurts out. Now you've done it.
"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch, maybe one of you would be on time." McGonagall says and all I can think damn she sassy.
"We got lost." Harry says.

"Nice one Harry" I sarcastically say in my head.
"What else am I supposed to say" he says back in my head.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." McGonagall says.

"She burned you" I say to Harry.
"I know" he says shamefully.

I then lock eyes with him and burst out laughing causing a couple stairs from my peers especially malfoy who was giving me a glare.

Ugh I'm finally in Snape's potions class. The school is pretty cool. I am a little tired and kinda want to sleep.
The door slams open and Snape comes rushing in. Damn that was scary. Stunning Snape or Heart Stoping Snape. Okay I have to make up names for some teachers to make them less scary.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few, who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper, in death" Snazzy Snape says. He looks straight at malfoy.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to" Super Snape continues. He looks at Harry. Wow even when Harry wants to do right he does it wrong. He is so concentrated on his notes that he doesn't even notice Snapes glaring eyes.

Hermione nudges Harry in the ribs. He looks up totally unaware of his surroundings.

"Mr. Potter. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snaps askes. Hermione's hand skyrockets. Harry just shrugs.
"You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Hermione's hand shoots up again.

"I don't know, Sir." Harry says.
"And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?" Snaps asked again. So far I know each one of these, if I got it correct, I have no idea.

"I don't know, Sir." Harry absolutely clueless voice says.
"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?" Woah I want to stay out of Snape's way.

Seamus is trying a spell on a cup. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." Seamus says and Looks in cup and shakes head. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..."

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asks. He across from me and I'm sitting ne to Hermione.

"Turn it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before..." Ron explains to the interested Harry.


The cup explodes. Totally saw that coming.

There is laughter ringing through us.

Suddenly, a flock of owls start coming into the hall from the rafters above. Woah.

BAM! Another chapter finished, aren't you so proud of me. I'm proud of you. Yep that's what I said I'm proud of you, you are still alive and you are living, you go to school and make it out.

Goodbye fellow pizza lovers
- FairlynnA your awkward cookie

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