Chapter 3

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We all of a sudden were at a place with run down house. It was better then the orphanage.

"Isabell you will be staying with a family till the year starts, I have to go"
I was nervous. What if they didn't like me? I really want to make friends and become my old happy self before the time I became a makeshift mother.

I smiled and said my goodbyes and thank you's to Dumbledoor.

I guess this is my new life and I'm going to make every minute of it. I took a deep breath and knocked on the wood door.

A lady with red hair and a warm smile opened the door.
"Come in, come in you must be Isabel Knight" she said as I walked through the door.

"Yep that's me but you can call me belle" I said with a smile.

"Okay and my names Molly" she said as she took out a batch of muffins. A girl with red hair that looked a little younger than me came down the stairs.

"Hey" I said to the girl.
"Oh hey my name is Ginny" she definitely looked shy.

"Hey Ginny my names Belle" I said with a warm smile. She looked at me as if checking if I was going to bite.

She then grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs.

"You're sharing a room with me she says and points to the little room that has two twin beds on each side and walls painted a deep purple.

"Oh Gin it's so cute" I say to her and telling the truth.
"Thank you" she says in a whisper.
"Hey new girl" two voices shout behind me. They were identical twins behind me.

"Hi I'm Fred" the red head on the left said.
"I'm George" the other one said.
"I'm Belle" I said and laughed, they look like they are class clowns and pranksters.

"So Belle have heard about Quidditch" Fred asked me with a big smile.
"No, I'm new to this whole wizard thing" I said with a laugh. After that they taught me all the basics of Quidditch.

Of course I loved it this is probably the best sport out there. By the time they taught me everything I was tired and needed to go to sleep.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I'm 12 years old and I still look young. I have long brown hair and bright blue eyes. I thought I was pretty but how pretty can you be when you're 11.

Me and Ginny talked to about 1 am and laughed our heads off.
"Good night gin" I whispered to her as I turned off the light.

"Good night Belle" she said and fell asleep. It took awhile for the idea of someone else taking care of me for a change. I was the mother and not a kid I always wanted to be a kid.

Now I can and I have Ginny as a friend. After all of my thoughts I feel into a dreamless sleep.

Okayyy soooo that was even short

Damn me

Bye my fellow pizza lovers
-fairlynnA your awkward cookie

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