Chapter 2

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I closed the white battered trunk with a huff. Finally I'm done packing; I didn't have much but deciding which to bring and which to throw was a task though. I wont be leaving much behind because I never had much friends at school because my nose was always in a book and people labeled me as the quiet kid and no one seemed bothered by me.

I walked downstairs carrying the small but heavy trunk. I walked up to the kids giving each a hug as Mrs. Bea watched us with anger filled eyes.

"Bye Mrs. Bea" I said to the woman who looked at me like I had worms crawling out of my eyes.

"Bye brat" she said with as much disgust she could muster in those two words.

I am leaving and it finally hit me. I will be back for the summer but this place was wether I liked or not my home. I am sad, happy, confused, and shocked all at the same time. Who was the man that offered to go to this school? How'd he know my name? Why did he want me come so bad that he actually came to escort me himself? All these questions flouted around my head making more confused the more I thought about them.

I heard the knock on the door telling me I needed to go I went over and gave Violet a hug goodbye and a kiss on the top of her head

.She was like my little sister we had arrived the same day and from that day on I took care of her. Then I went over to little Parker who was 1 and probably the most happiest kid I have ever met. He came over to me and I hummed to him his favorite nursery rhyme to calm him down as his face threatened to burst out crying. He was like my baby brother that I loved to the moon and back.

Every body else came over to our little hug as it became a group hug tears ran down my cheeks. I loved them they where my family.

I looked at each one of them carefully.

Violet-eight years old- the kind one that you fall in love with because of her bright blue eyes. Andrew -6 years old- and so quiet that he's barely noticeable with his blue eyes and jet black hair. Jane -4 years old- a total diva and you can bet she will be getting all the boys attention when she's older. Alex - 3 years old- he's a total goofball and makes you want to laugh till your stomach hurt. And sweet little Parker the innocent and loved one. I'm there only mother figure and I was going to leave. I felt bad but I had to get out of here, this place was bringing me nowhere.

"I love you each and everyone of you, be good I know it's hard you'll be adopted one day with your fairy tale family and I know it" I whispered to them seeing there heads nod.
"Okay, time for me to go, I love you, be back in the summer" I yelled out to them as I reached the door. There was this nagging feeling that my life is going to change after this.

I saw the sliver bearded man at the door again.
" hello Ms. Knight I must tell you something you are going to a school of witch craft and wizardry, that means you're a witch" dumbledoor said as we walked outside. Seriously I should've known the one time I get something they send me to a crackpot.

"What, you must be crazy to think I'll believe that" I said to him in disbelief.
"Miss have you ever done something that was magical when you were angry or scared" he asked.

Actually this has happened when I was getting bullied by these boys they all of a sudden fell on there butts as if someone grabbed there feet, it was pretty awesome.

"Yes, actually something has happened, but why should I believe you?" I asked him though I think I was kinda rude but whatever.

"Sometimes you just have to believe" he's said in smooth voice. Hey what do I have to live for.
"Miss could you touch this" he said to me and I followed his instructions.
Again sorry for the short chapter but yah know. So did you like it? I hope you did but if you don't it's fine! Please comment, like and follow!
Bye my fellow pizza lovers
-fairlynnA your awkward cookie

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