Chapter 24: The Return

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[["Get Low" -James Vincent McMorrow/ Dean P.O.V.]]

I hear that familiar voice on the other line of my phone and my heart drops in complete shock. I clench my jaw together tightly as well as my fists.  Here I thought that Elena and I were finally going to get a break. We've decided to get married now instead of waiting on the baby to come.......but who knows how it's going to work now. There's always a problem, there's always something to worry about. I honestly don't even know why I'm so surprised and shocked right now because something horrible was bound to happen again. We never get time where there is nothing going wrong. It makes me feel I'm drawing in all of the bad things into her life. I know she would disagree with me but it's so true, that's why I tried to leave the first time. Her life would be so much better and so much safer without me in it. I can't even describe the guilt that it makes me feel. I just love her so damn much....and I don't know how to be with her and love her while keeping her safe at the same time. Death follows us everywhere we go.
   I'm unsure of how to react, so I sit there silently for a few moments while Cas, Bonnie, and Elena continuously ask me what's going on. I stare at the ground, collecting myself before I angrily and completely lose my shit. My blood begins to boil once I realize something I thought was over, isn't over at all. I begin to go back and forth with myself, not knowing if I should tell everyone the truth or keep this information to myself and deal with it on my own. Elena has been so happy for the past two days with the somewhat normalcy we've had while planning our wedding. Maybe I should keep it to myself, I feel like I can protect her that way. I truly think it's for the best right now.....especially with her being so pregnant and she's just got enough on her hands right now. We all do. I'll deal with this, I'll take care of it.

"It was Crowley. He said Abaddon kicked his ass but didn't kill him and he got away, but he wants me to meet him sometime tomorrow night to talk about the next plan of action." I lie, swallowing thickly in an effort to cloud my lies from Cas. He can always easily tell if I'm lying, so whenever I say this, I tell myself that I believe it so that he'll believe it. He can't tell that I'm lying if in my head I'm believing that it's true.
   "What?! He wants you to leave and meet him somewhere? That sounds super sketch to me, Dean. I really don't think you need to be doing any of-". Bonnie starts saying but my temper boils over and I interrupt her, accidentally snapping. "I HAVE to!" I yell at her. She jumps back a little, her eyes widening with surprise. She didn't expect me to yell at her that way and I didn't either. I immediately take a deep breath, calming myself down a little as I give her an apologetic look.  I really really shouldn't have done that, especially after everything she's done for Elena, Sam, and I.  "Bonnie, I didn't mean to-". She interrupts me this time, getting angry with me understandably. "No-no it's fine don't worry about it. You do you. Whatever." As soon as she says this, she turns around and quickly makes her way back into the kitchen to continue the food for the picnic on the beach that we all decided to go on. I go after her, groaning as I attempt to explain myself. "Bonnie c'mon don't walk away, please I really didn't mean to snap at you like that." I say as I walk into the kitchen area, following her around as she grabs supplies and food. Elena and Cas soon follow, making their way into the living room. Elena stands by the couch, just watching me with confusion and disappointment. I look over to her with the same apologetic look I gave Bonnie. She crosses her arms, shaking her head at me. "Look, I'm-I'm just stressed and worried, you guys. And Bonnie I'm really sorry, okay? I know you were only looking out for my safety just like you have been this entire time, and I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. But I have to do what he says otherwise it'll just cause us more harm than good. I believe it's the safest option." I try to explain. Bonnie stops her aggressive cooking, and she lets out a deep sigh. "Okay, that's all you had to say. I think you're right. But you really really need to be careful. You've got a fiance and a baby on the way." Bonnie says, and I can already tell by the tone of her voice she isn't really angry with me anymore.  I smile warmly, "Trust me, I know that."  I hear Castiel sigh deeply with relief.  He doesn't do well when any of us fight.  "Castiel and I will stay here with you Elena while Dean is gone and then we'll start on the baby room as soon as he gets back here so that you aren't alone."  Bonnie says, starting to cook the soup.  While the soup is cooking, she starts on mini sandwiches and Elena comes into the kitchen to help.  "No, no I'm fine here no one needs to stay with me."  I almost burst out laughing.  Is she serious?  I take a deep breath, crossing my arms as my chest puffs out.  "Elena, how many times have you said that and something has gone wrong?"  I ask her, awaiting her answer patiently.  We both-actually we ALL know good and well what happens when ANY of us are left alone.  "Dean.  This is literally one of the safest places I've ever seen, it's on a freaking isolated island for God's sake.  No one is gonna find me here.  I'm fine!  Please, everyone go do you thing tomorrow-I'll be fine."  She says with confidence.  I look over to Bonnie and then over to Cas, seeing what they think.  "It is probably the safest place she could be.  It's a hell of a lot safer than the bunker.  Not one person knows where this place is-it blocks off location spells and such so that Crowley or Abaddon or anyone else who wants to harm any of us simply can't find us."  Castiel explains, making a very good point.  I slowly begin to nod as I glance over into Elena's eyes.  She gives me a pleading look, beginning to pucker her bottom lip out.  I rolls my eyes slightly, "Bonnie?  Do you approve of this?"  I ask.  She slowly begins to nod as well, letting out a sigh.  "I approve of it.  We picked this place for a reason."  She says as her and Elena finish up the mini sandwiches. Elena nods, "Exactly." She stirs the soup, trying to finish it up.

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