Week 3: Wait for It

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"I'm a sexual healer. Sexual healer. Sexual. I'm a sexual sexy-time healer." I woke Andri up with my voice.

"What. The. Hell? Dyl, what the hell are you talking about?" Andri rubbed her eyes and looked up at me. 

"That's what Derek said. I'm a sexual healer. That's what a synthe i-"

"Derek's that guy we met in the woods that one time, right? Nice-ass guy?"

"Yeah. I was at his house last night."

"OH MY GOD. You were at his house? Hot ass' house? All night? Details, please and thank you." Andri had a smile on her face. She probably thought he and I did stuff. Sexual stuff. 

"I wish," I laughed, "but no. Nothing too exciting happened, if you exclude the fact that Derek's a freaking werewolf and he has friends who are also werewolves and look like models. All of them. Super hot. And I met them last night. Win!"

Andri looked confused. "How would you know he's a werewolf? Did he tell you?"

"I figured it out. And after two minutes with all of the crew together, it was pretty obvious. So we talked about supernatural stuff for a little while. He knows about my kind, at least, he knows more than we know." I was really excited about getting to know these people. And kissing one or two of them. Maybe I was a little more excited about the possibility of that than I should be...

"What all does he know?" 

"Well, he knows that I'm a sexual healer." It may not be much, but hey! It's something.

"...That's it? That's all the all-knowing Derek knows about synthes?" Andri raised an eyebrow.

"They're quite rare, apparently, and so that's why he doesn't know much. But Scott, one of the other people I met, knows someone who knows a lot."

"Hopefully your friend Scott's right that there's someone who knows more than that. I'm not into this whole "drumroll" deal. I need more information. The full moon is in a week and I want to know if we should be preparing."


We decided to go to Derek's. At least, I'm pretty sure it's Derek's place. It seemed to match his stereotypically cryptic personality. 

Andri looked nervous. "This looks like a murder house. Do we knock?"

I nodded and lifted my fist to knock, but the door glided open and Derek was at the entrance. 

He looked surprised to see us. "Shouldn't you be at school?" 

Andri chuckled. "Graduated. Looking into a university for next year. Don't worry Mom, we're not skipping."

"We came here to ask you something about the whole synthe thing. Do you have any information that could help us?"

We didn't feel the need to ask permission to walk in, we just did.

"Specifically, I desired to inquire about the lunar cycle and whether or not Dylan would be impacted from its positioning."

Derek crossed his arms. I was like 40% sure that the only reason that he crossed his arms was because he wanted to show off his godly biceps. He seemed to be a little hung up on power, which made sense since he's an Alpha. 

"You wanted to know about the full moon and whether or not to be worried about it. With a synthe." Derek said it almost like a question. He seemed to be mocking Andri.

"Congratulations, your hearing works properly." Andri glared at Derek. I was a little caught off-guard by the sudden hostility. Andri usually liked attractive guys with a God complex and obvious childhood issues.

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