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"Grandma, grandma!"

Three children burst through the door, giggling and squealing as if they haven't saw me in years.

They saw me yesterday.

They all come and sit down in a semi circle in front of my rocking chair, where the hat I was knitting was forced to be abandoned.

"Hey, you all know I don't do story time until later!" I tell them, smiling at them all. My family.

"But you promised that you would tell us about Comet the next time we had a sleepover here!" They all chorus, frowning at me. I chuckle at them, they've always wanted to know the full story behind Comet, and I did promise to tell them if they ate all there vegetables.

"Alright, alright!" I agree, a small smile playing at my lips.

The children sit back, staring at me expectingly.

"It all started 64 years ago, in a place called Thirsk..."

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