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The sound of comets teeth clashing with his metal bit and his hooves bouncing of the ground accompanies my own breath as I lead comet towards the arena. His hooves dance across the ground before shooting over the flashy red jump. His jagged breath becomes more sharp as his strides become more and more jumpy. Tossing his head he swirls around the arena elegantly, his excitement pouring out of him. I start getting excited myself as the minutes pass by hurriedly. Red, blue, yellow and green jumps calls for him, and he finds them with an uphill canter, strutting around the sandy floor. I cool him down and just like that the plod along horse pops back into view. I lie back on him and watch the stars silently.

"Do you think Drummers up there?" I whisper to no one. Frowning, I sit back up and take Comet to his stable.

I rest against his stable door as he munches on his hay quietly. Sacred, a blue roan pony with a lovely nature, throws his head over to meet Comet. The two talk to each other, and I find a smile crawling onto my face.


The crowds cheer died down as Comet walked in the arena, Clara on his back. If he was scared, he definitely didn't show it as he began to trot around the jumps at Clara's cue. Suddenly she asked him on, and the pair flew over the first jump. The second jump taunted him, showing him the other horses it had already claimed, but Comet wasn't most horses, and he carefully leaped over it, and landed safely with a soft thud. Clara urged him towards the high jump in front of them, and she got her striding wrong, but Comet decided to jump it anyways, and the pole only swayed slightly.

Now he was riding flat out, and the jumps were tiring, but he didn't dare stop. Instead, he pushed himself faster, and Clara couldn't be more proud. The rest of the course past quickly, and Comet was exhausted beyond his imagination, but he held his head high and walked out of the arena with a bounce. Another horse walked in, and it was aware of the crowd around it. It was scared and unprepared, however the horse was also aware of his riders spurs and whips, so he pushed himself in fear of getting beat.

Comet noted to talk to this horse later in the field.

"And that's Clara Lewis, and her new horse, Wonter Horse, finishing in 23.33 seconds, putting her first in the scoreboard!"

And when the day was over, Clara couldn't help but think to herself, is this all a dream?

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