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"Do it again," my mother shouts at me as I just make it over the 1.30m jump. I roll my eyes and turn Comet back to the fence. "Pat the horse, kick yourself!" I sigh at her in annoyance. This was the fifth time I'd jumped the boring red and white poles, and I wasn't getting any better. Comet turns his head into the direction of the jump, and without me even asking he takes the perfect stride to the jump.


I pat him gratefully. He nickers.

And it was then that I realised. Horses do not give you opportunities, they simply show you them. They do not ask for your love, yet theirs is yours to keep. This world is not as bad as we make it to be, and, with great people in your past, and even greater people by your side, maybe we can all change this world.

Maybe, one day in the far away future, we will finally appreciate those around us, and better yet, learn to listen to those who tell us magnificent tales and give us the answer to life itself.

But first, we must learn to listen.

And Comet just taught me my first word.

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