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The wind furiously whipped at my hair and ears as I held Comets face in my hands.

I didn't want him to leave, I had grown so dependent on him, why must he leave?

Comet looked so calm, his gentle eyes looked into mine softly, and that's all it took for my whole entire world to come soaring down.

Everything was blurry. It didn't feel real at all, and the painful thought made me dizzy as I held onto Comet for support.

This could be the last time I cry in front of him.

The mere possibility makes me sob harder, I wrap my arms around him and refuse to let go. I promised I would take care of him. Did he know that he would eventually leave? Did he believe me when I said he was mine forever?

We had achieved so much together, he was part of my life now, engraved so deeply that I was afraid I would never be able to cross his name out to get to the new chapters of my life. The stinging in my chest didn't stop, and my emotions melted together in a disgusting mess.

I was a mess.

I begged him not to leave, but the sound of a horse trailer pulled me out of my thoughts. It was too soon, I wasn't ready to leave Comet. At that moment, I declared to myself that I hated my parents for doing this, could they not have told me?

A hand grabs the leadrope out of mine, but I cling on desperately.

A warm, soft muzzle brushes against my hand.

He wanted this, to help more people.

With this gesture, I now understood. This is what would always be. He's a fairytale, and every fairytale most come to an end. We've had our happy ending, now it's time to make more.

"Thank you, Comet." I choke out in a hurry, barely a whisper. "Oh god, thank you so much!" I croak to him, giving his forehead a long, lingering kiss. "Now, you be a good boy." I tell him softly. I let go of his leadrope, and he's led away to the trailer.

I look down to stop myself from crying, when I hear his footsteps on the metal ramp stop. I glance up and he looks back at me. He whinnies happily, and that's all I needed to hear to make everything better.

I'll miss you, too, Comet.

Thats the end of this short story! It's had me on a emotional journey, that's for sure! If you read the prologue, then read the epilogue! If you didn't, then goodbye!!❤️

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