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"Clara Lewis and her firecracker of a horse, Play The Drums, are heading for the last jump, can they do it?"

The audience could hear nothing but rushed hoofbeats as the horse galloped his way towards the last, large jump. He had pushed himself hard, harder than he ever had before. But he would do it for his masters. The girl urged him again, her soft, caring hands thrusting forward, asking for more. With one last push of energy, he launched himself off the ground and leaped over the big red jump. With a grunt, and a thud, he hit the ground and the crowd were ecstatic, cheering and whooping.

"Yes they can! What an amazing performance from such a young girl, 16, yes only 16! This one will go far, I'm telling you, keep an eye on this one."

His rider leant down and patted the tired beyond belief horse, her other hand in the air as she roared out in happiness. He had done it, he had somehow managed to push himself further and find some energy within him.

All he wanted now was his warm mash, best friend and oats. Which he knew he would get later.


He had tried his heart out for me, and for that I was thankful. Upon this horse I rested my heart, and instead of taking advantage of its vulnerability, he cared for it fiercely with a passion that I could only hope I returned to him. Within him he possessed a loyalty that I wasn't sure I deserved, and I loved him with all my heart. Drummer snorts next to me as I tie him up and begin to untack him. His sweaty body steams up, and his legs shake from tiredness. I groom him down and throw a rug on him, leading him to his field to spend the night outside with his friends. Whinnying, he trots on the spot and throw his head at the sight of his best friend, Marabella, the small quirky Shetland. She throws her head over the gate and reaches for Drummer, kicking and screeching. "Move over," I mumble to her, pushing the gate open and freeing Drummer from his scruffy, red, headcollor. The pair meet together, and run off to there own little herd, but not before Drummers looks back at me to say goodnight. Closing the gate, I smile to myself in contentment and I grasp obsessively onto the bond we both shared.

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