Chapter Four

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Rochelle held the power button down just as his im flashed across the screen. Way to good to be true... Rochelle let her head hit her pillow trying to erase everything about tonight including her having to sneak out and into her house through the kitchen window.

Rochelle watched Charlie’s mouth open and close in slow motion. I know she’s yelling at me, but does she have to do it with meatloaf surprise in her mouth.. Rochelle stared at Charlie while she slandered her good name in the cafeteria. “AND ANOTHER THING!” Rochelle raised her eyebrows watching Charlie’s neck roll play on cue.

Rochelle stabbed her fork into a green bean before turning her attention back to her best friend. ,”I BET YOU DIDN”T HEAR A DAMN THING I SAID!” Charlie slapped the cafeteria table top making everybody jump. Rochelle stuck the single green bean between her teeth watching Charlie’s face go fire engine red when she said nothing. “UGH!” Charlie slid away from Rochelle stabbing her meatloaf repeatedly.

Rochelle smiled. ,”I don’t see what’s so funny, Liv.” “I don’t know why you’re yelling at me, I left, I didn’t feel well.” Rochelle shifted her eyes to her plate as the lie spilled from her lips. “Well it’s not like I couldn’t have helped you with it.” Rochelle shrugged and made a face watching Charlie take a bite from the meat before turning to look her way. “Plus you missed my brother proposing to Jurnee, before she left to go home the next day.”

Charlie said it with ease while she spooned some of the mash potatoes into her mouth. Rochelle broke her fork as it settled down onto the green bean pinning it to the Styrofoam plate. “He’s only 18.. You’re kidding right?” Charlie eyed the fork nervously. ,”No, I’m not kidding. Its suppose to be  a long engagement. My mom nearly did a back flip and kept talking about wedding dress, I still don’t understand how he can… Rochelle watched Charlie count on her fingers.

“Get famous, and Get engaged, but I can’t be a model. Horse shit if I could put my foot in.” Rochelle felt sick pushing her tray away from her. Charlie stopped talking, while looking at Rochelle. ,”Oh my god.. Are you okay?” Rochelle jumped up storming out the caf before she vomited all over the place. Instead tears freely made their way down her cheeks

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