Chapter Twenty :)

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Typos I think, my bad


Rochelle glared at Jennette from across the room. Jennette narrowed her eyes a little bit. Rochelle broke the glare when Alex sat down again. Rochelle slipped into his lap as soon as his butt hit the seat. Alex looked at her curiously, a little angry even. “What’s wrong Alex?”  “Rochelle, I don’t want to be in the middle of this game you’re trying to play.” “What game?”

Alex used the bottle he came back with to pour wine into his glass. “I don’t play with a woman’s heart.” Rochelle eyed his glass. ,”What do you mean..” Alex set the bottle down looking back in her eyes. “Rochelle that sounds like bullshit, I’m not going to pussyfoot and say I don’t like Jennette, I do. I like you as well, but I’m not about to play that competition game and be in the middle.”

“So to be fair please get off my lap, and don’t kiss me because you want to piss her off. Imagine if I was over there instead of over here, and she did that. Would that bother you?” Rochelle nodded feeling a little guilty. “Mmmm, I’m not going to play that game, there is no competition between you two, I just happen to like you both.” Alex sipped wine. Rochelle sighed sliding into her seat again. God why couldn’t Alex act like a stupid teenage boy instead of a man. 

Kat looked at Rochelle and just shrugged leaning over to whisper. ,”Alex is not the type, you’ve got yourself what I call a keeper.” Rochelle looked over at Alex who looked at her a little disappointed before looking away again. Rochelle groaned feeling bad, as a girl stepped from the behind curtain. Rochelle no sooner hit Alex in the arm. “I can’t kiss you, but she’s on the damn stage being a stripper!” Rochelle fumed. Steven wiggled his eyebrows at Alex, Alex smirked. Rochelle looked at Kat as if to say; do you see this?

Kat shrugged. Rochelle felt Alex grab her hand pulling her close to his lips. ,”At least she didn’t come over here and maul my face Chelle.” Rochelle couldn’t help but giggle at that. ,”I didn’t maul your face Alex.” Alex smiled. ,”Call it whatever you want.” Rochelle rolled her eyes leaning back over into her chair, wanting to trip Jennette off the stage. She was still wearing the same outfit and sensually dancing for Alex obviously.

Kat tapped Chelle. ,”You should go up there too, this club lets you dance as long as you do it 15 minutes before the stripper comes out. It’ll be fun. Alex will like it. I can go up there with you if you want.” Kat smiled. Rochelle glanced at Alex to see him watching Jennette lustfully. Men. Rochelle nodded her head. ,”Okay, I’ll go up there.” Rochelle nodded at Kat. The song ended and Jennette stepped down in front of Alex smiling, Alex smiled back. ,”Very sexy, thank you.” Jennette smiled. ,”Can we go out maybe tomorrow night?”

Alex smiled but shook his head no. ,”I can’t, I’m busy this week, next week?” Rochelle rolled her eyes at their conversation before shakily going behind the curtain as Kat went to go talk to the guy. Rochelle breathed out; I can do this for Alex. The music loudly blared from the speakers as Rochelle walked out in Kat red heels dropping her hair instantly from its pin up style. Alex’s smile dropped immediately and his eyes went big;

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