Chapter Sixteen :)

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(Adorable Picture of Alex. : ) )


“Baby, I can call off work.” Rochelle stared up at the ceiling her eyes blood shot, cheeks stained with tears. She felt Alex stroking her hair. “No, Alex.” Alex studied her hearing her phone ring for the 50th time that day. “I really don’t want to talk to Charlie or anybody.” Rochelle slightly shoved Alex moving to lay her face into a pillow on his bed. Rochelle felt Alex kiss her head without word before hearing the front door gently shut. Rochelle let out a loud sob clutching the pillow next to her.


Rochelle made herself something to eat while listening to her messages. Alex had called her three times on his lunch break and finally left a message. Rochelle stirred the pancake batter hearing the door bell ring after a couple minutes. Rochelle walked over to the door to be met with Yasmine’s face. “Um.. Hi” Rochelle said looking at her with clear annoyance already. She was dressed up in a skin tight gold leather dress. “Alex here?” Rochelle shook her head no. “He’s a work?” Rochelle shrugged, and lied.

I don’t know” Yasmine sighed. ,”You know he broke it off with me because I didn’t get along with Kat. Why should that bitch always come first?” Yasmine rolled her eyes walking away from the door. Rochelle thought about that for a minute before shutting the door. What if she had never gotten along with Kat, than what?

Rochelle finally finished making her food and was now eating in front of the TV. The door bell rang again. Rochelle groaned pushing her plate over a little to answer the door. It was Kat this time. “Hey Kat.” Kat pulled a large tub of sherbet from behind her back. “Girl, sherbet for everything.” Rochelle cracked a smile letting her in. “Kat, can I ask you something?” Rochelle watched Kat take out two big bowls and start to put a least 30 large scoops in it.

,”Yeah, What’s up Chelle?” Rochelle watched her pour sprinkles all over her sherbet. “Why did Alex break up with Yasmine?” Kat pushed the sherbet in the fridge bringing the bowls to the table. ,”She swore on her life that me and Alex were more than friends, and it tore up our friendship. They had been together for like 3years. So we didn’t even speak or hang out for 2years of him being with her. Than all of a sudden, he came over my house one day telling me he was no longer with her. You’d have to ask Alex about all the details though.” Kat shrugged smiling at Rochelle licking her fingers.

Rochelle smiled eating her ice cream. “Have you ever liked Alex?” Kat groaned. ,”Why must you play 21 questions.” Rochelle laughed. ,”Yeah, I’ve liked him.” Rochelle felt herself grow nervous. ,”When? And Why did you stop?” Kat got quiet and played with her ice-cream. ,”Like 3 months ago.” Rochelle chocked on the sprinkles. ,”Why did you stop?” Kat sucked on her spoon. ,”Drew.” Rochelle nodded. “Has he ever liked you.” Kat shrugged. ,”Probably not. Why are you asking anyway?”

Rochelle spooned sherbet into her mouth before answering. ,”Yasmine came by saying he broke up with her for you.” Kat looked at Chelle worried. ,”I hope not. No offense or worry to you but, he was so in love with her, and vice versa. That’s been a year or so ago though.” Kat shrugged. Rochelle looked at Kat curiously. Kat smiled. ,”What?”Rochelle shrugged. ,”I don’t know, He just seems so perfect and sweet. Kat let out a laugh. ,”He has his flaws. He had a horrible child hood though. They had to put him in a mental facility when he was 16. I didn’t see him for months.

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