Chapter Seven

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1 month later

“God, Charlie. Please take another hour.” Charlie laughed pushing past clothes, hanger by hanger. “Don’t you forget you pulled this same bullshit stunt on me at the mall 2months ago.” “Well this is different Charlie, we are going to the store .” “I don’t see how it’s different.  I always have to look nice, Paparazzi Rochelle..” Rochelle raised an eyebrow at Charlie who fingered the material on the dress she just pulled out. ,” Well leave me alone we might see a cute boy.” Rochelle laughed shaking her head. “If you don’t hurry up pizza hut will close.” “Oh shit!”

Rochelle dropped on the bed closing her eyes, while Charlie went in the bathroom and shut the door. Then open her eyes again when she heard somebody walking in the hall way. It was Tre. A towel wrapped around his waist, and Jurnee a towel wrapped around her body as she snuck past the door of Charlie’s bed room. Rochelle shook her head; he definitely didn’t even claim her as one of his friends anymore. Rochelle watched Tre licked his lips while watching Jurnee, dropping her eyes she saw he was sticking straight out, his manhood hard as hell.

 Rochelle rolled her eyes as he turned his head to look Rochelle’s way. “Hi Tre.” Tre ‘s mouth went in a straight line as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. “Hi.” Tre smiled lightly. “You look nice Rochelle.” Rochelle nodded trying her best to return his smile. “Thank you.” Tre nodded. “Well.. Bye.” Rochelle nodded as Tre walked off in Jurnees direction.

No sooner did she hear Jurnee’s soft moans.


“Rochelle grab those marshmallows.” Charlie pushed the cart while they were at the store getting ready for something that they had between them called; junk food night. Usually, Tre would be joining them too, but considering what happened, Charlie decided it would just be the two of them. Rochelle grabbed the marshmallows and the chocolate syrup letting them drop into the cart. Charlie jumped on the cart pushing it farther in front of her riding down the aisle. Rochelle let out a laugh watching Charlie tip the cart and turn the corner. “Oh my god, how the fuck do you do that!” Rochelle shook her head following her best friend.

Charlie smiled while grabbing the cheetoes. “Cause I’m  Charlene fucking Manning aka Charlie.” Rochelle smiled grabbing the mini snickers package.”  “Oh my god Rochelle.. Look.” Rochelle heard her best friend whisper before looking up. It was Alex?.. Rochelle’s lips parted a little in shock. What was he doing here? Charlie looked at Rochelle her cheeks had managed to turn fire engine red. There stood Alex licking his lips big soft lips, swag on point. He looked so good in person that Rochelle wanted to slap herself for wearing some Dora the explorer pajama pants and a big t-shirt to the store.

Charlie must have read Rochelle’s mind because she started pulling at Rochelle’s arm. Rochelle turned almost nearly out the aisle, until Alex called her. “Chelle?”  Rochelle slowly turned “Hey Alex.” Alex smiled his hands in his back pockets as he glanced at her attire. ,“Sleepover?” Rochelle twisted her lips for a minute before smiling. “Something like that.” Alex peaked in their cart chuckling. “What are you doing here Alex?” Alex licked his lips before answering. ,”Well, I had so much fun on my birthday, that I decided to visit again on spring break. ,”Oh cool. Oh Alex this is my best friend; Charlie.” Alex looked over at Charlie his perplexed facial expression giving away his thoughts about her. Charlie only smiled. ,”Hi Alex. Happy Birthday.” Alex smiled nodding a thank you before looking over at Rochelle again.

Friends With Benefits(COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora