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How are y'all?

That's great/terrible!

So, now to the questions :P

Q- What is your favorite color?
A- It's between blue, black, green, and red.

Q- Favorite city?
A- Probably San Antonio, but I haven't been to a lot of places. :p

Q- Favorite Tv show?

Q- Are you a good student?
A- Lets just say that if procrastinating was a class, I would ace it.

Q- What's your favorite color of the alphabet?
A- Triangle.

Q- What state are you from?
A- Texas, if you haven't guessed already. xD

Q- Why aren't the chapters longer?
A- Because I'm a talentless potatoe.

Q- What are you most afraid of?
A- Honestly, probably of being forgotten or left behind.

Q- Are you working on something new?
A- Yes, actually. Over on my collab account, CallUsSpnFoxChampion  
I'm working on a Septiplier story! But you have to stay tuned for that. *wiggles eyebrows*

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