Suprise part 2

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Enjoy this pic of a guy who could be Kota because he looks yummy but picture I him like 1-3 years younger because he looks like he's 20-25 but that just my opinion but either way

And remember Sang sometime wakes up to that fine male specimen and if that's not how you imagine him than that's fine
I support your opinions 👌🏼

Sang's Pov

I pull my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of my boys except North and I send it to Jessica saying
Me: when boys say twining is stupid but show up like this 💁🏼🙅🏼
(In put pic)

Jessica: lol

Jessica: when the squad leaves you out of a group chat 😂😂
(In put pic of North scowling at the others)

Me: 😂😂
I can't help the giggle the escapes my lips and Kota turns to me and Jessica and aks "what's so funny you to"? Uh oh caught red handed except Jessica speaks up and says "Hey guys did you forget to put North in the group message about what to wear"?
And that's it I'm gone I'm thrown into hysterical giggles with Jessica and the boys gaining at us and North scowling even harder.
Jessica's Pov

Omg I can't believe I did that but that was hilarious I mean the look on my brother and his friends faces Price less so I took my phone and snapped a pic of their gaping faces and sent it to Sang.


Me: (insert gaping and scowling boy pic) They weren't ready 😂😂

Sang: ikr 😂😂 nice one Jess
Your the 👑

Sang's Pov

Omg I'm dying I look up at the boys and say "I think Jessica just roasted you guy" and that's all it takes to set Jessica off in another fit of giggles.
The boys are still staring at us and my stomach makes it self heard. North snaps out of his daze and sets a plate of food and one of my "baby coffees" on the table. I walk over to my food and sit beside Jessica the rest of the boys snap out of it and are all eating.

After we're done me and Jessica look at each other and nod. Kota looks at us with confusion and me and Jessica ask him at the same time "what's the surprise"!? The boys look at us and Gabe speaks up "that was fu- fudging creepy"  me and Jess look at each other again and nod. We both look at Gabe and pout and I say "are you calling us weird Gabriel"?  Jessica has fake tears in her eyes her her lip quivering and the I make mine quiver to. Kota looks at Gabe and narrows his eyes "if my sister and Sang start crying you better fix it" oh this Kota is scary. Gabe turns to me and Jessica and says "no no no don't cry talk at the same time all you want it's fine just don't let Kota kill me"  me and Jessica stop and look are each other and once again we nod and ask "what's the surprise"?.

This time Mr.Blackbourn answers us and say "we're going to the zoo miss Sorenson, miss Lee" Jessica squeals and smiles and looks at me oh I'm smiling to. We both look at Kota and ask "Can we ride with you"? Kota chuckles and says "sure".

After the boys clean up the dishes they sort out who's going with who.
Kota is with Sang, Jessica, Luke, and Gabe. Mr.blackbourn is with Sean and Victor. And North is with Slias and Nathan.
Jessica's Pov

Me and Sang have finally mastered our silent girl talk. I'm so excited to go to the zoo it's been ages since I went there and I hear they have baby loins there too. But my brother doesn't know what he's in for because Sang got me hooked on Kpop and I got the CD we made.
As everyone go into their cars Jessica gave her brother the CD to play.
Sang's Pov
I look at Jessica as the CD starts
Playing Fabulous all from high school musical two

Me and Jessica are sing along and then Gabe and Luke join in Kota looks at me in the rear view mirror glares and pauses the CD and says with a smirk "What kind of life guards are you importing"? I look at him and say "Ask Jessica" Kota the looks at his sister and she says "The hot kind like Zac Efron right Sang" Jessica looks at me and I nod Kota purses his lips and starts the CD again. When the song ends the next one plays and it's hands to my self by Selena Gomez

And when the chorus came on I poked Kota in the neck oh yeah I'm sitting behind Kota who's driving with Jessica in the middle and is next to Luke who's behind Gabe. And when it got to the part where it's like "I mean I could but why would I want to" I leans forward and whispers it in Kota's ear when I sat back I noticed his ears turn red and Jessica was snickering. The next song that came on was Only you by Miss A (it's kpop)

Kota's Pov
What the hell why would they put High School Musical songs on here! Oh there gonna get it but hey this Kpop song isn't bad oops I accidentally skipped it. Oh Ariana Grande.

Jessica's Pov
Kota you jerk how dare you!
Sang's Pov
What the actual fuck Kota that was my jam! I know I don't swear out loud like ever but I mean how dare he. Oh well I guess I better just enjoy the fact that he didn't destroy the disc. As I start singing I glare at Kota and tug on his seat belt, Jessica snickers and Kota glares at me through the rearview mirror Meanie speaks up and says "stop messing with troubles songs you fu-ger " Kota then glares at Gabriel and Luke turns up the music and the next thing I know everyone but Kota is singing to the Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj song well I'm singing a loud as I can with out my voice getting cut out.
Gabriel's Pov 
Oy Kota why so serious it's just A High School Musical song. Like isn't it a a right of passage for girls to watch the movies and sing the songs and swoon over "Troy Bolton".
Luke's Pov
Sang and Jessica have good taste in music a little bit of pop, throw backs, and different culture. Oh look were here.
(They were about half way into the cd when they got to the zoo so just use your creativity to fill the song gap)

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