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Sorry for not updating sooner school just started yesterday and I'm trying to get into a routine since I have to be up by 6:15 to get ready leave by 7:30 and in class by 7:51. I've also been sleeping till noon over the summer break and I just saw my crush like yesterday so yeah. I'm stressed, tired, tying not to punch the obnoxious blonde girl in my grade who came in last year, and trying to be patient with my friends who have problems of their own, while also trying to avoid getting stress acne and waiting for my period to come because there is no way I'm pregnant bc I'm a single Pringle ready to mingle.

And you'll see Kota put together the pieces and connect Sang looking shocked by Jessica to Jessica's comment. I mean he's a "Lee a team Leed" see what I did there 💁🏻

~With Love

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