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Jessica's Pov
I know I just dropped a bomb on Sang but I mean I'm okay with it my mom doesn't know but I do I think it's obvious that they all like her or are dating her I just guessed and I got it correct.
Kota's Pov
As I'm watching Sang and my sister talk I realize that they get along great there probably bff's or something but what ever. Wait why does Sang seem so shocked, what did Jessica say! Ugh I hope it's nothing bad.
As the boys caught up with the girls at Panda exhibit Sean played it off "cool" and said to Sang with a smirk "did you know they have wild Pandas just like that in Japan" Jessica snorted at his comment and said to him in a matter of fact way "Incorrect the only wild pandas live in China". Sean looked shock that Jessica just told him wrong, and Kota smirked thinking that's my sister. Jessica smirked at Sean this time and said "if you wanna impress a girl don't lie it makes your personality ugly, and the person your lying to will question you and have more doubts about you". The boys looked around doing the silent eye communication that Sang hates. Questions were running through the boys minds did Sang tell her?, how did she know?, does she know?, is she okay with this?, does Sang know about this? Sang wouldn't tell right?. Jessica who also hated the eye communication spoke up and said "stop with the eye thing your making Sang feel uncomfortable" the boys eyes traveled to a very worried and uncomfortable Sang.
Sang's Pov
I can't help it my insecurities are to powerful. Are the boys doubting me, blaming me, hating me? I just wanna know what their thinking thank god Jessica said something. Omg their looking at me!
Owen's Pov
As I'm looking at Miss Sorenson I see the worry, questions, and emotions in her eyes her face everything. And it's killing me. It's like I can read her mind she such an open book. "I'm sorry if we made you uncomfortable Miss Sorenson" I say to her "I-It's okay
M-Mr.Blackbourn" she says back shakily. I look at the young Miss Lee's face that's looking at me and my brothers in disappointment she shakes her head a little. The. Looks at her brother with a look I've never seen her have on her face before her face is blank not emotion what so ever. She hardens her gaze at her brother and turns her look into a glare and her eyes now say it all how dare you make Sang feel insecure I'm not only disappointed I'm angry and your the cause.
Kota's Pov
I see Jessica turn and look at me and my brothers then her gaze is on me only me. Her disappointment and anger radiating off her in strong waves heading toward me like a tsunami. I hate having my two favorite girls upset and its my and my brothers faults.
As the girls left the boys to sulk for their behavior then they quickly rebounded and everything was back to normal.
The next exhibit was the Lion exhibit.

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