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Okay so I'm going to make a different ending but I'm going to stick to the original this is just for fun.

As they finished up with the kangaroos Sang and Jessica gave a sleepy yawn the boys chuckled and Kota offered a piggy back ride to Jessica and North to Sang. They agreed and soon they were walking out with two half asleep girls.

Kota's Pov
I offered my sleepy sister a piggy back ride out of the zoo and she accepted. As we're walking out Sang starts to snore kitten snores and Jessica starts to ,right in my ear.... She snores loud and that's not because she's close to my ears. Ugh I'm gonna be deaf by the time we get to the cars, well the things you do for family.
Okay so if you like the first one then okay but if not then here's a different one.
Kota's Pov
I offered my sleepy little sis a piggy back ride to the cars and North did the same for Sang, I smiled I'm very happy that Sang and Jessica get along even with the cost of a prank or High School Musical marathon/sing along. Sang stats to kitten snore and Jessica follows but she mumbling instead. "Janna you can't like my brother.... I don't care what you say... He has a girlfriend...... Oh Kota says he can't pick me up today bye. Ewww Jenny... why do you have a shrine.... of my brother and his friends... No eww Jenny Mr.B...is your moms age that would be like dating your dad..... No they will not get you pregnant"! Jessica mumbles. Where is this going....  "Kota doesn't love you! And you hair is ugly...Yes that is exactly what I'm saying...what no my brother is not a nerd he's Harry Potter" What the hell is she dreaming about. "Jessica wake up were here" I say " wah- oh thanks for carrying me Kota" Jessica thanks me and climbs off my back. "So" I say while smirking at Jessica "what did you dream about"? Jessica turns bright red and says "stay away from Janna, and Jenny they have plans to hold you hostage"
Okay I honestly don't know whether or not it's true but I ain't taking any chances I've seen how teenage girls are vicious well Sang and Jessica aren't but some girls can be.

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