She thought wrong

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It was lunch time and the pack decided to eat at nice clean looking restaurant in the zoo.
(I know that zoo restaurants can be gross because of all the little kids
And no I'm not saying kids are dirty I'm just saying that kids that are different ages act differently and not all kids are the same besides I don't think most kids are as composed as Mr.B was)

Jessica's Pov
As were seated I can't help but notice the not so subtle glances the waitress is giving my brother and his friends. I see Sang get a little uncomfortable until Nathan puts an arm around Sang who smiles at him in return. When the waitress comes back around to ask what we want to order I start taking before she can I look at Gabriel first "so Gabe how's your trouble"? He looks at me and confusion crosses his face for a second before catching on and saying "she's wonderful I plan on taking her out on another date soon" I look at my brother next and say to him "how's your ten? I hear she just completes you" he looks at me and smirks before saying "perfect as always" I then look at Mr.Blackbourn and say "Owen hows Sangria? I heard you took her on a date to see a Broadway performance" he give me a small smile and says "shes lovely as always and yes we did see a Broadway performance it was perfect" I looked at Victor after and said "what about your Princess is she doing okay"? Victor looks at me with pride and says "Princess is doing very well and I hope one day I'll make her my Queen" I smile at him and look to Dr Sean "and Mrs.Green"? Sean smiles a blissful smile and says "probably giggling up a storm with our kids" I give a little laugh and look at Luke "Luke I presume that your Cupcake is doing good"? Luke give a little chuckle and says "she's probably out at the spa getting her nails done while thinking of ways to surprise me when I come back from the trip" I look to North next and say "How's your Sang Baby I'm pretty sure I heard wedding bells the last time I saw you two together" North smirked like Kota did and said to me "well I think marriage isn't to far off from now" and last but not least Slias "so how's you Aggele Mou your Angel"? He looked at me with a happy expression and says "Like a goddess she looks more beautiful every time I see her" I smirk a little and then look at our waitress who looks about ready to snap her pen and me along with it. After she takes out orders and walks angrily away Kota looks at me curiously and says "what was that for" I look at him and smile "Sang looked uncomfortable with her looking at you guys as you would say hungrily, so if she thought she was man hunting at our table she thought wrong . oh and sorry about that Mr.B, Dr.Sean" Mr.B looks at me and says "it fine Miss Lee" and Dr.Sean says "no harm done" while Sang blushed and say thanks to me.
Sang's Pov
I'm kinda happy Jessica did that I didn't like the looks she was giving MY boys. When our food came out a new waitress came and said that she be out waitress for the rest of lunch since the other one was on her "break". This waitress didn't look at my boys the way the other one did and I couldn't help but notice her ring on finger and the motherly aura she gave off but it was strange didn't look much older that Mr.Blackbourn and Dr.Sean.
As they finished up lunch and payed
They made their way to the safari zone where you could see many animals in one place.

 +++++++++++++++++++++++++~A~As they finished up lunch and payed They made their way to the safari zone where you could see many animals in one place

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