Impress me

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North's Pov
You better watch yourself. I say to my brother using the silent eye communication. I look at Sang Baby who's looking at me ready for me to sing. I want to punch Lukes head in. I don't like singing. I'm not the best but I'm better thank Luke.

Luke frowns as I finish up knowing that I did better. I leave the room and come back and hand Sang her stuffed animal. She smiles wide and hugs it. "Thank you North Star" she says sweetly I smile a little "you welcome Sang Baby" I say back and sit down. Who should I pick. I look to my Greek friend. "Silas you go" his eyes widen silently telling me that he's nervous. I smirk and tell him back with my eyes to get over it.
I am think some very unkind Greek and English words right now. I'm quiet and i don't sing. I glare at North and look at Aggele. She has excitement and in her eyes. Fine I'll sing for Aggele Mou.

I look around and see that Kota is looking away. Trying not to make eyes contact with anyone. "Kota, you next" he looks at me eyes wide pleading with me. I smile if I had to so do you. He glares and pushes his glasses up.

Can I give him hours for this? I start counting. "Kota you don't have to sing if you don't want to" I look at Sang she sounds disappointed. I consider taking Sang's offer of not singing but god that disappointment in her voice. "No I'll sing Ten" she smiles. Was I just played?

Thank god that's over "Nathan you next".
Nathan's Pov
Well my turn 💁‍♂️ {sorry there's no ginger emoji} let's roll.

I look to Peanut she's smiling. Mission accomplished. I look to Mr.B he looks surprisingly calm... Maybe a little to calm. "Your turn Mr.B" he nods and looks to Peanut . Poor girl looks like she's gonna faint or something.
I look at Miss Sorenson first. She looks like she could pass out at any moment. Then I look at the rest of my family silently asking them is they know what to do. I get small nods back from all of them. I take one more look at Sang and give her my "millimeter smile" as she calls it.

Perfection, Luke and Gabriel did the rap perfectly and the others did the back up perfect to. I look to Miss Sorenson, she has her mouth to the ground. "Wow, that was, wow" she blushes and looks away.
Sang's Pov
I definitely wasn't expecting that but oh my god that was pretty hot, just I think I might faint from all these gorgeous guys sing for me.
But now it's my turn.

Okay I was originally going to have Owen sing some thing else like GDFR, or what does the fox say as a joke but I decided not to, he's to serious, and Sang probably would have had a heart attack. So what should Sang sing.

Work from Home- 5th harmony
Everytime we Touch- Cascada
Teenage Dream- Katy Perry

If you have other suggestions comment. These just some songs off the top of my mind.

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