Healing Hugs

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Alright this is an AU where Civil War doesn't happen.

Takes place directly after TWS.


After going to the Smithsonian Bucky continues to search for everything about James Buchanan Barnes. He has to know who he was...is...whatever. He learns more about the guy on the bridge...Steve. He learns that they were best friends. He starts remembering little pieces of his memory and writes them all down in a journal, good and bad. After a while he can't take it anymore he has to know who he is.


At Avengers HQ Steve is boxing, trying to relieve some stress. He goes through punching bag after punching bag until JARVIS notifies him of someone on the premises. JARVIS asks if he should notify the rest of the team. Steve thinks about it but realizes this could be his opportunity to get all this stress about Bucky out of his system, so he replies a negative to JARVIS.

He then gets his shield and goes to the east wing where JARVIS notifies him is where the intruder is lurking. He is quiet but fast and locates the intruder in no time. He goes into the pool room and sees the intruder. Tall, broad, and intimidating...just the kind of fight Steve was looking for. Steve goes around the pool getting ready to attack. He knows the intruder has seen him and is now wondering why he is making no move to ready himself for the impending fight. He then actually looks at the man in front of him as a person and not a stress reliever. He notices that the shoulders are hunched and that the hair is in front of his face. He notices that he is standing there with his head bowed just waiting. Steve tells JARVIS to put on the lights and once they are on Steve gasps. After all this time Bucky was standing in front of him. He immediately tackles him in a hug which surprises Bucky and they both go catapulting into the pool. They both resurface and Steve grins and says:

"We really need to stop falling into water together."

Bucky just grins.

Steve leads Bucky back to his room gets him a dry pair of clothes and sets him up in a guest room next to his. He tells Bucky that if he needs anything that he's right next door and not to hesitate. Bucky nods and goes into the room.

Steve then goes back to his room changes and thinks about who would be best at getting Bucky out of his shell.


After a couple months Bucky is adapted to Avengers HQ and has met all the Avengers. He hasn't warmed up to any of them though, probably because they didn't quite trust him yet and still looked at him a little uneasily. Steve had one last option and prayed that it worked out.

Around 8 AM Steve knocks on Bucky's door. Bucky opens it a minute later looking like he hadn't slept a wink. Steve looks behind him and sees that the bed wasn't slept in either. He then looks at Bucky who is looking down at his shoes and says:

"Theres someone I want you to meet."

Bucky's head snaps up and and looks at Steve like he has eight heads. Steve just shakes his head and reassures him that its no one to get worried over just a friend. He then turns around and starts walking down the hall and Bucky follows.

Steve looks over his shoulder at Bucky and says:

"I need to ask someone if she is here. She was on vacation so I need to make sure shes back."

He took a few turns following the corridor and finally arrived at a desk where a woman was working. He walked up to the desk and said:

BUCKY BARNES ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now