I Cannot Fly

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Okay so I'll explain.

So remember when Bucky jumped from one roof to another and then fought Black Panther??

Yeah so what they didn't show you was what happened to me.

They didn't want you to know that the "Winter Soldier" had a "weakness".

Personally I think its quite demeaning to be referred to in that way but SHIELD cares shit all about my feelings.

So what SHIELD didn't want you knowing was the truth, go figure. So my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and this is what really happened!

Bucky and I have been going out for 4 months and I have never been happier! He stumbled into my apartment around 3 in the morning one day expecting me to be asleep, which I wasn't because who can only watch ONE Harry Potter movie?? I mean comon!! So I naturally screamed and threw popcorn at him. He thought it was so ridiculous that he laughed and really we have been dating ever since.

Looking back now people might doubt my decisions on safety but I'd just like to say I am a very trusting person and have accepted that that is going to kill me.

So I was present when Steve basically broke into Bucky's shitty apartment because I went with Bucky to buy his plums. I got blueberries because I think they taste better, sue me!

So when everyone started fighting and all that Bucky basically dragged me all over and protected me. I have never felt more helpless in my life and it honestly SUCKED! Yeah I need to fix that.

But back to the point.

So this was going swell until when Bucky jumped roofs was when I fell.

I know realize that I in fact cannot fly.

I fell and Sam thankfully caught me, cause you know death isn't ideal. However apparently I wasn't breathing so when Sam brought me back up to the roof he had to do CPR to try and get me breathing again.

Thankfully Sam likes living so he made Bucky do the mouth to mouth and just did the chest compressions.

When I finally woke up Sam had broken three of my ribs which obviously wasn't good and Bucky was a complete mess.

A quinjet landed next to us on the roof and I was carried aboard in IMMENSE PAIN. Dr. Banner was on board and immediately started setting my ribs. Lemme tell you that this is an EXCRUCIATING and i screamed and screamed. Please don't think I'm a wuss cause I swear I'm not! Bucky was telling me to squeeze his hand as hard as I wanted and I squeezed but tried not to squeeze too hard as to break his hand.

He was a mess crying and apologizing and if I wasn't in such pain I would have thought he was adorable and tried to comfort him but in this instance I needed his comfort. He kept yelling at Banner to hurry up and for Barton to keep the jet steady.

When it was over I kind of just curled in on myself from the pain and Bucky pulled me into his lap and comforted me. (like pic)

The last thing I felt before I passed out was Bucky pulling me closer and kissing my forehead whispering how sorry he was.

When I woke up I berated him don't worry!

Question: Should I do a Bucky' POV!???
Idk up to u haha
Hope u like it, if u dont sorry not sorry really.
Ill try and update soon.

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