Dance Off

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Bucky and you had been dating for a couple weeks. You had been on only a handful of dates and where getting to know each other more and more.

Your next date was tonight.

You were going dancing.

Bucky and you were going on a triple date: Steve and Sharon, Natasha and Bruce, and then you. You had all agreed to go dancing at a dance hall like they would have in the forties.

Natasha, Sharon, and you had gotton vintage, forties, swing dresses. Natasha's was black, Sharon's was a royal blue, and your's was a deep red. You all matched them with matching shoes and silver jewlery while doing your hair and makeup like how the forties would have had it.

You were so excited to show Bucky!!!!

Finally the time had arrived! All three of you walked down to Tony's garage and got in one of his cars going to wait for the boys at the hall.

Once you got there you all went over to the bar, Sharon and Natasha got drinks for themselves and their men while you just kept them company (you didn't drink and wanted Bucky to have the ability to choose his own drink). You then went and found a table near the dance floor within view of the door so you could see when your men appeared.

All three of you had been asked by multiple gentlemen to dance but you politely declined. Unfortunately, you had pushier men pursue your hand and was in the middle of declining a man's particularly demanding offer to dance when the guys walked in.

Once they saw their girls their jaws dropped to the floor.

Bucky quickly snapped out of his awe when he saw the man grab your wrist continuing to try to get you to dance with him and came to your rescue. He marched purposely over to the table where you sat and tapped the man on the shoulder and said:

"Excuse me, but that is my girl you got your hands on. Why don't you find a different partner because she is spoken for."

The man immediately let go of your wrist and walked off quickly. Sometimes it pays to have the ex-Winter Soldier as your boyfriend!!

You then looked at Bucky and were blown away to see him in a very accurate remake of his Sergeant uniform, which he looked very dashing in.

You were snapped out of your awe of how hot your boyfriend was by his voice,

"Well Doll, will you dance with me?"

You smiled up at him and replied that you would be honored.

You danced a swing dance (thanking your lucky stars that you took ballroom dancing as a child) and continued dancing all night sureounded by your friends.

When you got back to your rooms you both fell asleep as soon as your heads hit your pillow.


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