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So your an Avenger or at least one of their secretaries, it might be overglorified but you wouldn't change it for the world. Your job was your pride and joy, you loved it. However, recently you had begun to love something more:
                    James Buchanan Barnes
He is positively perfect. He is the sweetest man you had ever encountered and he was so gentlemanly due to his upbringing in the 1940s.
You had met James a few weeks back and you hadn't had many conversations seeings as he mainly kept to himself and as soon as he started speaking you blushed and couldn't form a sentence to save your life. You only chatted quickly when he held a door open for you or when you chatted at meals but yiu had hope! You had hope because Bucky chose to sit next to you during meals, smiled at you when he didn't smile at anyone, and allowed you to call him James when no one was allowed to call him James.
You knew it was improbable but you were crushing, hard!
You had been making up totally nonsensical scenarios in your head, completely zoning out of reality, almost immediately after you met James. Today was no different, except for the fact you actually finished your work before daydreaming. You were in your office at your desk staring off into space not realizing that not only had the rest of the secretaries gone home but that the sun had set and heavy rain had erupted from the sky. That combined two of your greatest fears: thunderstorms and the dark. You had never told anyone of these fears because how embarrassing it is that you were working with the Avengers, the people who literally fought aliens and here you were afraid of the dark and a little lightening; so pathetic! But you couldn't help it! It is just how you are. You couldn't go home now, you wouldn't even be able to reach your car without having a mental breakdown. You were just counting your lucky stars that the power was still on! But of course you jinxed yourself and the power shut off leaving you in complete darkness while also making the lightning ever more noticeable.  You immediately dropped under your desk and hid making sure to pull the chair in as far as possible so as to hide you. For once you tried to distract your mind from the fear with one of your crazy scenarios but of course when you want one you never can get one! Your fear took over and you sat there curled up, shivering in fear with whimpers escaping your lips as you prayed for a quick end.

James had a nightmare as he normally did. Most nights he replayed his horrible past as the Winter Soldier recalling innocents he had killed. Tonight however he dreamt of something much worse: instead of some innocent stranger he dreamt of killing you.
You were someone who had just entered into his life recently but he couldn't shake the feelings you gave him. He found your presence comforting, your scent always sweet, your smile wide and endearing, and your eyes naked with emotion. You were innocent and absolutely adorable and he was falling head over heels.
For the last couple of days he had taken to walking by your office to give him a small peace of mind, he could never bring himself to go in feeling as if it was a breach of your privacy in some way. Tonight however the dream was too vivid: you dying in his arms after he had been the one to kill you. He needed to go in, he couldn't go make sure you were okay because surely you had gone home and he didn't have any clue where you lived. If he did he would probably already be on his way. But for now he would just have to be satisfied with what was in your office.
He quickly made his way out of his room and to your office trying to hold onto his sanity. He made it to the hallway of your office where he begun talking himself out of entering your office, and how it was a breach of privacy. He was almost able to talk himself out of it, but that was decimated when he heard whimpers coming from inside. He immediately went inside looking around the room trying to locate the source. He was finally able to distinguish that the whimpers were coming from under the desk which he began to move around completely on alert. When he got around the desk and inched the chair away slowly what he discovered damn near broke his heart.
It was you, curled up shivering from the cold and whimpering in fear. His whole body softened as he knelt down and reached his hand out to you saying "(Y/N), come on sweetheart I won't hurt you. I'll protect you I swear I just need to know what I'm protecting you from doll." You finally met his eyes and he saw the raw fear there that made every protective instinct in him stand guard, he never wanted to see that look on your face. He kept wiggling his fingers at you almost to tempt you into coming out from under the desk. You finally inched your hand to meet James' and were slowly moving yourself from your hiding spot when a loud crack of thunder boomed across the sky and you catapulted into James. That revealed your fear to James as he lifted you into his arms and started making his way back to his room. He was going to be there for you as you had been there for him through his rough patch when he came here a few weeks ago. Plus who was he to leave a damsel in distress.

You were both relieved and terrified when you had heard footsteps entering your office; relieved that maybe someone knew you were there but terrified that someone would discover your pathetic fears. Turns out it was James which was wonderful and horrible; wonderful because you felt safe in his presence and horrible because he was the one witnessing your pathetic form and discovering your childish secret.
He looked at you with a soft expression extending out his hand and promising to protect you. You reached out to take his hand trying to keep your head up until there was an earth-shattering boom of thunder and you catapulted into James' arms. You burrowed yourself into his embrace taking comfort in his musky scent. You couldn't meet his eyes knowing they must hold contempt or disappointment. He then picked you up and started moving, you assumed he was taking you to your car, throwing you out. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for this.
After walking for a while he finally put you down. However, instead of the hood of your car as you had expected he put you down on a bed. You looked up at him wide eyed, the question blatant in your gaze. James then stepped back looked down sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck and said, "I'm sorry I don't know where the spare bedrooms are. I'll take the floor so the beds all yours." It took you a minute but it clicked that this was James' bed. You then realized what he said and replied, "I can't take your bed away from you! I'll take the floor! I won't have you sleeping on the floor in your own room for a nobody like me!" James stared at you for a moment before shaking his head and saying, "Your not a nobody doll. Definitely not to me. And what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you take the floor!? A rotten one!" That got a giggle out of you. James smiled and remarked "That's what I wanted to hear!" You smiled up at him and said, "How about we share the bed is definitely big enough?" James nodded after scanning your face to make sure. He then rustled around in his drawers and pulled out a Henley. He offered it to you saying "It'll be more comfortable than that dress." You took it with a smile and went to the bathroom to get changed.
Once alone again you were reminded of your fears. The dark made you rush to put on the Henley and get back to James. You finally had the Henley on and practically ran into James' room and right into him. He caught you and just picked you up again and laid you on the side of the bed farthest from the door and then got in beside you pulling you into him. You buried yourself into his embrace blocking the storm out completely and being able to sleep knowing that you were safe and sound.

There will be a part 2.
Can you tell I have a thing for protective and cuddly Bucky lol.
I'll update soon promise!!
Cheers loves

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