Sam is Apparently a Matchmaker

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Rewritten from @TeamLeo4Life who wrote a fantastic Shiro from Voltron fic!!!!! All credit to them and their wonderful writing I just tweeked it into Bucky.

Bucky X Reader

Sam is Apparently a Matchmaker

It was just a relaxing day for you and the team. No one to rescue, no one to save. Just relaxation.
Natasha and Clint were out sightseeing Boston, which was where the team was at the moment. You couldn't get over them either. They were adorable and although Clint had a wife you were still a hardcore Clintasha fan. So adorable.
You walked into the room to see four Avengers relaxing on the couches either laying down, being sprawled out on the other, or just sitting upright. Steve was the only one sitting upright.
"Umm, where's Bucky?" You asked nervously knowing you didn't want to show interest in him since you were head over heels for the ex-assassin. You didn't know what it was. Something about his determination to regain his memories and desire not to hurt anyone anymore.It swooped you off your feet and Bucky did't even know about it.
Wanda looked over at you as Sam raised an eyebrow at you. "He's just grabbing a drink." Wanda said and Sam scoffed.
"I bet you never ask for me when I'm gone." Sam pouted and you giggled before sitting next to Sam and tickling his stomach making him laugh as you tickled him.
"No!" He laughed loudly, "(Y/N) stop!" He shouted but you continued until he fell off the couch with a big thud making everyone who was in the room freeze and look at Sam.
Then all of a sudden you burst out laughing and pointed at him. You stood up to walk past him but he swiped his leg under your foot making you yelp and fall onto him.
You opened your eyes and he smirked. "Hey lady, watch where your walking." He said and you glared for a moment before you both started laughing.
You heard a door open and looked up to see Bucky walk in and raise an eyebrow at your position in confusion before smirking.
"Wow Sam, very appropriate for the living room floor." Bucky went and sat down on the couch before sipping his hot drink which was steaming.
Thinking of what Bucky was probably thinking about you turned red and scrambled off of Sam a laugh emitting his mouth before he stood with you.
"Like we'd ever...And in the middle of the living room...Besides, she's got her eye on somebody else." Sam turned towards you with those words and wiggled his eyebrows at you making you punch his shoulder.
"Oww!" He rubbed his shoulder as he pouted sticking out his bottom lip.
If he knew about your crush on Bucky he deserved that punch.
Bucky smirked, "Oh, really? Do tell who??" Bucky looked at you and you avoided eye contact. "Hey!" Wanda called and you sighed in relief. Saved by Wanda. Once again.
"How 'bout we play a game." She stood from the couch and crossed her arms and you nodded in agreement not looking at Bucky for the sake of your dignity that was starting to slowly slip from your fingers.
"Sure!" Thor jumped up, "What game!?" He asked excitedly and you chuckled at his childishness.
"Something mentally revealing." Sam butted in and Steve rolled his eyes at the nosey dork. Sam smirked, "How 'bout," He turned to you looking you straight in the eyes. "Truth or Dare." You glared.
"NO!" everybody shouted in unison and Sam pouted.

A day later you saw Bucky sneaking around the hotel and you watched him look both ways before running to a cab that was outside the hotel and getting in. You watched closely as the car pulled away from the block and took off.
You wondered what he was doing.
You shrugged your shoulders and walked back to the castle to the kitchen area to find Thor cooking some master dish.
It turned out to just be pop tarts.
"Would you like some?" He smiled at you when you nodded before handing you two blueberry pop tarts toasted to perfection.
"Oh my gush." You mumbled with your full mouth before swallowing. "This is really good thanks Thor." You complimented and he blinked a few times before chuckling and scratching the back of his head.
"Thank you (Y/N)." You smiled. "Any-"
"(Y/N)!" You heard from the doorway and turned to see Sam leaning against the doorframe his arms crossed as he beckons you over.
You sighed and bid Thor goodbye before walking out with Sam. "What do you want Sam?" You asked and he chuckled looking at the ceiling above you two.
"Oh, just wanted to talk to you about Bucky."
You almost froze but kept walking gulping down extra saliva as you went.
"About what?" You asked and he smirked.
"Oh you know. Just the part where you love him deeply and passionately. And wish he were yours." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at you.
You yelped hearing him recite right out of your diary.
"You jerk where is my diary!" You threw a punch at him a mad blush covering your face as he dodged chuckling.
"Don't worry 'miss romantic'. It's safely back under your mattress." You looked down your mad blush still on your face.
"What did you do?" You asked and Sam smiled contently.
"I just hooked up the cutest couple in the world."
You blushed more if that was even possible.
When Sam wasn't getting himself together with girls he was setting them up with other guys. What a Bird Brain.

The next few hours were awkward because Bucky was gone, you had no idea where he was but you were hopping he'd return soon.
Well 'soon', was within the next hour.
You did't even hear the door open however you heard the footsteps when he drew near.
"Bucky! You're back!" You smiled without embarrassed knowing Sam wasn't there to wiggle his eyebrow at you.
Bucky let out a breath and his cheeks dusted a light pink. "Yeah. I am." He said and you chuckled
"Where did you go? What were you ding?"
Bucky cleared his thought. "I just went and looked around town, I wanted to see a little of it." He said and you nodded.
"Yeah, Boston is beautiful." You looked down before running down the hall leaving Bucky alone.

You were leaving the dining area the next morning when you heard your name.
"(Y/N)! Wait!" You turned and Bucky grabbed your arm to keep you there. "Yes, Bucky?" You asked and he stopped panting.
"I-I wanted to ask you a question." He said and you could see his ears turning red.
"Of course." You stepped closer trying to send the signal that he could let go of your arm if he wanted to.
Bucky blushed. "Will you do the Chapstick Challenge with me?"
You blinked several times, you had heard of the challenge before. It's where someone tries on certain chapstick while the other keeps their eyes closed and they have to kiss to guess the flavor.
Sudden realization settled over you along with a brush.
"U-uh s-sure." You mustered out and Bucky nodded before smiling in compassion at you.
"My dorm at 6?" He asked and you nodded slowly before he nodded back and you nodded off.
"See you later (Y/N)." He winked at you and you felt your legs turn to numb.
You swore as soon as he left the room you got blasted through the roof from large stream of blood exploding from your nose.
Well, you did have a nosebleed. Just not that dramatic.

You cleaned up and had a talk with yourself in the mirror several times. Could you do this?
You had no idea.
But you certainly wanted too thats for sure.
You washed your face and brushed your teeth to make sure you were clean. You just wanted to be ready.
The time came and you started heading to his dorm where you assumed he'd be waiting for you.
You hoped he was, you hoped this wasn't all some joke that some Avenger was pulling on you through Bucky. Why not Bucky? Cause you knew Bucky would never do something like that.
You arrived and took a deep breath looking at your clothes (which were skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt) to see if they looked good.
The door started to open. Too late now.
Bucky saw you and smiled. "Hey (Y/N)." He said and you smiled back up at him.
"Come on in." He said and you started walking in only to feel his hand be placed on your back leading you in, your ears turning red.
You saw Bucky grab the bag he had walked in with from his trip into town. You couldn't help but wonder if that was the purpose of the trip he went on the previous day.
He sat down on the floor and you followed his scent going into your nostrils making you sigh. He smelled so heavenly. His cologne, or whatever he wore. It was manly, but also vintage. It wasn't overpowering but if you were to drown in it it would be blissfully.
"You wanna go first or me?" Bucky asked and a light blush dusted your cheeks. "We don't have to if your uncomfortable with it-"
"NO!" You exclaimed cutting him off your heart pulsing faster. Great now you had to come up with an excuse to why you said no.
"I mean, it's fine. Doesn't bother me at all." You chuckled nervously and Bucky nodded before taking the bag and sitting it in his lap since you both sat Indian style.
"I guess I'll go first." You looked away before he pulled out the chapstick and waited until he said you could open your eyes.
You watched as he leaned in closer and you assumed you should do the same.
Bucky closed his eyes and you followed feeling his breath on your face.
You scooted closer and leaned in more until it finally happened.
Your lips met and for more than a second you both just sat there before you decided that it wasn't enough. You couldn't taste the chapstick properly. Yeah, that was a good excuse.
Bucky gently kissed you back for a moment your mind going blank until you pulled back. You opened your eyes to find Bucky blushing as you were. You looked down and liked your lips. It wasn't very strong at all. But it had a faint familiar taste.
"Peach?" You asked and Bucky shook his head before rubbing his lips together.
"Aloha Coconut." He said and you nodded seeing how you didn't get a point. Too bad, you thought you'd be really good at this game.
"My turn." You reached into the bag and closed your eyes before picking out one and looking at the flavor.
Velvet Cupcake
You almost chuckled. You liked cupcakes. And you liked the deep red that they made velvet cupcakes.
You quickly applied it and set the chapstick behind you. "Ready." You said and he nodded opening his eyes and looking at you sweetly making you want to melt.
You both leaned in and just as you were about to kiss he pulled away. "Uh, could we get closer? It's distressing my back to be leaning forward so much." You blinked at his words before nodding and scooting closer so that your legs were pressed up against his.
"Still not-" He picked you up and sat you in his lap making you both blush.
"There." He smiled and you grinned sheepishly before he leaned down and kissed you making your eyes roll into the back of your head and you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck pulling yourself closer to him as he put his hands on your back, one on your lower back and one on the upper part of your back.
He started to pull away after a couple of seconds before making a sound signaling that he was thinking before leaning in and gently licking your lips making your gasp in surprise and turn completely red no matter how hard you tried to stay your neutral color.
He sighed and thought for a moment laying his forehead on your own.
"Something sweet?" He asked and you chuckled at him but staying silent so he could guess more.
"Angle Food Cake?" He asked and your shook your head before showing him what it was "Velvet Cupcake." You answered and he looked so confused it was cute.
"Your turn." You said and he got a chapstick before putting it on and just as you finished cleaning off your own lips from before he crashed his own onto yours.
You slightly yelped but sighed in pleasure kissing him back with the same passion he was giving you.
You tried to taste his chapstick, but you couldn't taste much. All you tasted was pleasure. All you tasted was Bucky.
Before you knew it Bucky had you laid back on his floor his hands planted firmly on each side of your head as he kissed you.
He was kinda straddling your waist and you wee kinda laying under him your hands on his face keeping his lips against your own.
You moaned and you heard a weird sound before you heard a few gasps making Bucky pull away from you letting you look above you to see the rest of the team standing there looking at you.
"What are you doing?" Natasha asked and Sam snickered.
"More like 'who are you doing'?" He tried to contain his laughter as the black widow glared at him you and Bucky turned bright red before getting off each other.
Natasha sighed and Bucky rubbed the back of his neck nervously his blush subsiding unlike your own which was deep red as you stood nervously embarrassed out of your mind.
"It's dinnertime. Get prepared quickly or else the food will get cold." Natasha said before leaving you and Bucky alone in his room again.
Bucky lightly chuckled and enveloped you in a hug before lightly kissing your lips. "Which flavor?" He asked and you gulped.
You said the first thing that came to your mind.
"Green Apple?"
Bucky smiled "One point for you," He wrapped his arm around your shoulder before whispering in your ear in a husky, seductive tone. "I'll get even after dinner."
You blushed deep red and whimpered making him chuckle and kiss your cheek. "Come on, it's dinnertime."

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