Healing Hugs Part 2

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After you had disposed of your soggy cereal, which you were very disappointed about!! You went to go and out on clothes.

Now not to be that cliche girl from like every movie but YOU HAD NOTHING TO WEAR!!

I mean what does one wear when hanging out with their hero, with THE Bucky Barnes??

You didn't want to be late so you settled on a T-shirt and black skinny jeans. You showered and dried your hair and did your makeup and all that jazz.

When you were done you looked good so you locked your door and left humming I Like To Move It Move It to yourself. You made you way to the living room, when it was in view you saw that a couch was vacant so you went and jumped on it.

You didn't realize that the guys were already there and that they saw you jumping on the couch.

Steve was giving you that stern "you know better than that" look whereas Bucky was smiling.

You liked his smile.

Steve pushed Bucky towards the couch that you had just jumped on and said that he needed the whole couch to "spread out". Both you and Bucky knew it was a lie but didn't comment.

Bucky sat the furthest away from you and stuck his middle arm between the couch and his arm, almost strapped his medal arm to his body for fear of hurting you probably. He then asked "Is this was alright doll?" Obviously you said no and moved over so you were next to him and grabbed the arm closest to you and pulled so he moved further into the middle of the couch. You then turned to him and said "Comon Barnes I heard you were a real ladies man, I'm not gonna bite, promise!"

Bucky had the most shocked expression on his face while Steve was cracking up on his sofa. Finally Bucky snapped out of it and put his right arm around you but kept his left as far away from you as possible.

It was a step you thought.

You guys decided to watch something light ans so you chose Into the Woods.

You sang along and mouthed the words because you had seen the movie so many times. Bucky didn't seem to mind because unbeknownst to you he just watched you watch and recite the movie.

When it was over Steve popped in Night at the Museum, which you had seen a million times as well.

You were starting to get tired and snuggled deeper into Bucky's embrace until you felt the world slipping away.

Just before you fell asleep you could feel Bucky pulling you closer and gently kissing your forehead.

You were a little panicked about falling asleep on him but you could always blame the jet lag right? Yeah blame the jet lag. 

SHORT IM SORRY!!! Idk i think imma make this like a continued one i just dont know where im goin with it yet haha! itll get there tho promise!!

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