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January, Avengers Tower:
Bucky had moved into Avengers Tower a couple weeks ago. Right from the get gobthe both of you had felt a gravitational pull to each other. You felt safe and comfortable in each others company and had become fast friends. You both secretly wanted more but wouldn't dare admit it for fear of ruining what you already had. Naturally, you had been tasked with bringing Bucky up to speed on this generation. You had assigned different activities to each day to get him accostomed in an organised manner. Today was your annual movie day.

Today you had decided to show Bucky Disney movies!!

You were excited not only to see how Bucky would like them but also just to see them again, these are your childhood in a nutshell here!

All the other Avengers knew of your annual movie day so they knew to avoid the living room on that so as not to interupt or disrupt the movie with their noise. They learned this the hard way when they walked in and started arguing over nonsense so loudly that you couldn't hear your favorite movie The Princess Bride.

You were pissed and snapped out at them.

They now safetly avoid the living room on movie days.

Today was one of the lucky days where mostly everyone was out doing there own thing so you and Bucky only had Natasha to worry about. She said she wouldn't interfere.

Now there was only one problem:


The heat was broken and it was sooooo bloody cold!! Both you and Bucky had big fuzzy blankets that you were curled up into. You had borrowed Natasha's black fuzzy blanket because your violet one was in the wash (damn you ice cream!!!) while Bucky had a royal blue. But still the chilly air seeped into your bones.

You tried to ignore it and put in the first movie that was put on was Aladin. You then returned to your seat on the couch nearest the TV while Bucky sat in the big, circular chair in front of the TV.  (pic of chair above)

You thought he looked so cute with his hair in a man bun, his huge blue blanket wrapped around him, his ginormous bowl of popcorn on his lap, and his eyes glued to the screen in wrapt attention.

Just as Aladin was about to bring the genie out of the lamp Natasha walked in.

You immediatly paused the movie and you and Bucky turned to her narrowing both your eyes. She held her hands up in the surrendering position and asked:

"Is it possible to have my blanket back? I wouldn't ask but everyone elses room is locked and I don't have a blanket."

You immediatly stood up and gave her the blanket feeling bad. Once she left you sat back down shivering. You then started up the movie again trying to keep your teeth chattering quiet.

Bucky immediatly offered you his blanket but you refused. He deserved to keep the blanket.
Bucky wasn't as focused on the movie now continuously glancing over at you.

After the end of the song You've Never Had A Friend Like Me Bucky had had enough.

"Comere." he said while opening his arms and morioning you over.

You immediatly rushed over thinking something was wrong. You had a worried expression on your face until Bucky grabbed your wrist pulling you into his arms and under the blanket.

You gasped and immediatly looked up searching his eyes to see if he felt uncomfortable but all you saw was concern. He had noticed your blue lips and was berrating himself for not calling you over sooner. He immediatly pulled you closer and wrapped the blanket tighter around you. He then refocused his eyes on the movie to keep from staring at you. His eyes didn't stray from the movie until the credits rolled when he looked down to ask you what you wanted to watch next.

He then noticed you were asleep.

He thought you looked adorable.

He didn't want to wake you up so he shuffled down so he way laying down instead of sitting and then asked JARVIS:

"JARVIS could you dim the lights and shut off the TV please? Oh and warn the team that we are asleep and not to disturb us please."

"Of course, sir." was the robotic response.

He then shut his eyes and pulled you closer.

That was how the team found you 6 hours later when they went to call you for dinner. Intertwined with each other, cocooned in the blue blanket, fast asleep.

Natasha whipped out her phone and took pictures saying that you guus were her OTP.

Everyone observed the cute scene with giddyness. That was until Natasha fell into a table and made a loud bang. Then everyone froze looking at the cuddling couple. You started to move in your sleep letting out a little moan with a distressed look on your face. Bucky tensed and his metal arm set to attack whatever made the noise.

At the noise of his arm locking everyone bolted for the door.

It's safe to say you guys woke up in the same position the next morning...starving!

Another fanfic I am writing off of a dream I had lol!!

Not edited!

Hope you like my fellow Buckites!!!💚💚

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