Missing You

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Your boyfriend Bucky was called away on assignment. You mostly stayed in Bucky's room in Bucky's t-shirt and sweats binge watching Outlander the entire week that he was away.

You missed his presence. You missed his dorky nicknames, and dancing with him at midnight in the kitchen after a nightmare. You missed making smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with him. You missed snuggling up to him when you watch movies.

You missed HIM! All of him.

Other Avengers would come knock on the door and invite you places but they were always to go train or scout out a place. You were sick of training and scouting. You wanted to go explore but no one would go with you meaning you had the perfect excise to watch the gorgeous Jamie Fraser you thought about how much Bucky would hate this, how jealous he would get over a fictional character that lived in the 18th century Scotland.

Finally, after finishing all of Outlander, it was time for Bucky to come home. He was scheduled to arrive late tomorrow morning. You would have time to clean up Bucky's room and go back to yours to get ready yourself so you just slept in Bucky's room. Being lulled to sleep by his faint scent.

You fell asleep excited for tomorrows events.


It was 3 AM.

Human beings should not be awake at 3 AM. At least that was what (Y/N) says.

I couldn't wait to see her, I missed her soooo much. I can't wait to be back home with my doll.

I finally walked through the elevator door to our floor and walked to her room. I wouldn't wake her because I just wouldn't be able to bring myslef to do it (she looks like an angel when she sleeps). But I needed to see her and reassure myself that she was okay and that we were together again.

As I arrived at her door and slowere creeped it open only to find....

her bed empty!!!

Millions of reasons as to why she was not in her bed flashed across my eyes, all having to do with HYDRA. I knew it wasn't rational but I needed to plan for the worst.

I immediatly flew to my room accross the hall and threw the door open still puzzling out what my next move to be until i noticed the small bump on my bed.

She was asleep in my bed...

in what looked to be my shirt!

I think I fell more in love with her in that moment then I ever could have when she was awake and all dolled up for me.

It meant she missed me and that made me feel on top of the world.

I moved forward trying to move as silently as possible so as not to wake her. However seeings as I couldn't tear my eyes from her I managed to knock over a notebook that was on the nightstand.

She awoke with a start with wide eyes that held a vaunerable gaze as she looked around the room to detirmine the cause of the noise. When her eyes fell on me a smile lit up her face and tears glistened in her eyes and she launced herself at me.

I swear this girl will be the best thing that has ever or will ever happen to me. I would do anything for her.

I held her tight to my body and we didn't speak. Just stood their in each others arms. Understanding that we were alright and together.

The moment was ruined after a couple of minutes when she let out a massive yawn. Which was as cute as a kittens.

I then brought us both over to the bed and we cuddled. She fell asleep in my arms cuddling further into my arms.

I swear I am the happiest man to ever walk the Earth.

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