Bucky's POV Healing Hugs

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starts from when steve opens his door to get him to meet u


I hadn't slept at all since I got here, to Avengers HQ.

I don't really trust anyone here either.

Thats probably what leads to me not sleeping.

Its not that I don't want to...just that I'm not exactly sure how.

I've been a toy for HYDRA's amusment for so long I'm not sure how to just snap back into the old Bucky and trust people.

Trust is such an important thing that people really take for granted, you don't realize that till you've lost someones, or in my case everyones. Well except Steve.

I was just about to spiral further into self-pity when there was a knock on my door. I immediatly jumped to my feet and opened it knowing it was Steve. No one else wanted to visit me.

There was Steve at my door, although his smile fell to a concerned as he probably obseverd my sleep-deprived state. I am ashamed of it but really don't know how to fix it.

He then spoke up saying that he wanted me to meet someone. My mind immediately thought doctor or therapist which I just don't think I could handle yet.

He only shook his head and said it was a friend and then walked off. I followed knowing that this was a bad idea, I would only be met with the same fear and distrust as I was every other time. But this was Steve and I could trust him, maybe this time would be better.

Yeah right I'm just kiddin myself.

Steve turned back to say he had to ask someone if she was here.

So it is a woman.

Why does Steve want me to meet her.

Steve walked up to Maria Hill and asked if a (Y/N) was here.

She said that she just got back from Hawaii and would love to see Steve.

Oh no what if I would be intruding on a reunion! I didn't want to intrude that would mean I was being rude and could lose my one friend.

I asked Steve and he said something even more puzzling then wanting me there (a rare occurrence for anyone) that (Y/N) would WANT to meet ME!

Why would she want to meet me?

I was about to ask when Steve asked where she was and then lead the way to the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen, very cheery music was playing and this little thing was dancing in the middle of the room.

She was adorable! She was dressed in a t-shirt and sleep shorts and her hair was everywhere but she was innocent and untouched by the evil of the world.

I swore right then I would protect her with everything in me.

Then Steve broke off her solo.

She turned around blushing hard until she saw Steve and her eyes lit up and she jumped at him to hug him.

I wish someone would look at me that way.

When she let go Steve asked how she liked Hawaii. She started to respond but stopped soon after. I looked up to see why and caught her looking at me.

I immediately looked down at my feet, I didn't want to see the fear or hate in her eyes, that would be too much.

Then she surprised me by coming closer.

I really didn't know what to do, usually I would back up but I felt like I could actually trust this tiny angel in front of me. I didn't move back.

Apparently she wasn't done surprising me and asked the simplist question. The one I had wanted to hear for forever now.

"Can I give you a hug?"

She stumbled over her words which just made her more endearing.

I was shocked though, and then grew afraid. What if I crushed her!?

But she looked so defeated with the answer of no assumed from my silence so I gave her a small nod.

She lit up like a Christmas tree and I just knew I would do whatever it takes to see her smile at me like that again.

She then lept at me and hugged me. She was so tiny she only measured up to my shoulder on her tip toes. She hugged me tightly with her arms around my neck and buried her face near my ear.

I wrapped my arms gently but firmly around her wanting to show her I wanted her there but I didn't want to hurt her.

She then whispered, "Your my hero."

And I lost it. I hugged her tightly not wanting her to move from my arms.

Hearing those words was magical.

I will forever know that that was the moment I fell in love with her.

When she pulled back I reluctantly let her go, just wanting to pull her back into another long hug.

She stepped away and Steve kept smiling and winkin at me. He even said "Finally" which he meant to be finally I trust someone and finally I finally fancy someone. To which, for the first time in decades, I just laughed. My laugh must have jarred her from her thoughts because she then exclaimed that she was probably a right sight.

I didn't agree. I thought her getup just made her more endearing and more innocent looking.

Apparently I just couldn't help myself and said,

"You look adorable doll."

To which she blushed beautifully to.

Steve then intercepted like the punk he is and said that we would let her clean up and would meet her later on for a movie marathon.

I wanted to refuse and keep her in my line of sight but did leave with the promise of seeing her a little later on.

As we left we heard her complain that her cereal was soggy in the most dissapointed voice and for the first time in decades I felt I had found the one.


I know I know chliche to the end but I love it!! I will write a part 2 promise. Schools just death tho so idk when.

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