Chapter 1 ~ Something New

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I'm Ashleigh and this is my first fanfic, so thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it :D 

/Aleks P.O.V/

Me and Eddie have lived in the creature house for months now. We both have to share a room but I never really minded. Jordan said that because there was only one spare room and because me and Eddie have been living together for a long ass time now that we should share. Eddie really seemed to like the idea. I don't know why. We were all in the basement playing Mario Kart. There was me, Eddie, James and Seamus. Seamus was in first, Eddie second, me third and James fourth. I was just about to over take Eddie when he bumped me with his elbow, nearly knocking the controller out of my hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK EDDIE?" I screamed as James over took me and I came last. I stood up and stormed out of the room. I hated it when he does that. He thinks he's so funny. As I stormed out I heard him giggle. God damn that giggle of his. I stormed upstairs and into my room or should I say OUR room. I slammed the door behind me, making the floor shake slightly. I jumped onto my bed and laid on stomach, my head in the pillow. I screamed, but it was muffled my the pillow. He gets me so mad sometimes and I know he does it purposely. I heard the door slowly creek open behind me and someone carefully walk in, trying not to make any noise. I knew it was him. I felt the bed go down next to me.

"Aleks I'm sorry" He said and put his hand gentlly on my back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT" I scream though the pillow. But he didn't move.

"I'm not leaving until you forgive me" He said sternly. I signed angrily and sat up to face him.

"God dammit Eddie" I said. I turned my body so I was layed on my back.

"Do you forgive me?" He said smiling. I signed again.

"Fine" He giggled that golden giggle of his "Now GET OUT" I yelled. He stood up still smiling and walked out of the room. He knows that I can't stay mad at him forever.

I decided to pull out my phone and look though my twitter. I didn't want to go and join them just yet, but a few minutes later...

"ALEKS GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS" I heard James yell. I groaned and got up off of my bed. I draggged my feet to the door and walked sloppily down stairs to see what the hell he wanted. I walked back down to the basement.

"What the hell do you want James?" I asked him. He, Eddie and Seamus where all smiling. What the hell was up with them. Before I could even react James yelled "NOW" and they all ran towards me and pinning me down.

"What the fuck?" I tried to escape from their grip but James had hold of one of my legs and an arm, Seamus had the others and Eddie was straddling my waist.

"GET OFF ME" I screamed but they laughed.

"Come on Aleks cheer up" Eddie said smirking at me. I signed and didn't bother to struggle anymore. There was no way I was getting out of this.

"That's better" Eddie said getting off of me, James and Seamus let go. I stood up and brushed myself down. Before doing anything else I tackled Eddie to the floor. This time I straddled him. I had him pined down so he couldn't move.

"Okay okay I give up" Eddie said in defeat though his giggling fit. I smirked at him and got up. I held out a hand to help him up, which he took. We smiled and giggled at each other then I turned around to go back upstairs.

"Dat ass" I heard him say. I felt myself blush but I kept walking.

I got into my room and sat on the edge of the bed. Eddie always made comments like that and they always made me get embarrassed. If a girl said something like that to me I would probably just laugh and let it go, but with Eddie. I don't why I would repeat the comments he said in my head over and over again, trying to work out if he meant it.

There was knock at the door before it quietly opened. Eddie walked in with his hands in the air.

"I surrender" He said and I laughed.

"Your dumb" I said as he came over to me.

"What did you just say?" He asked me smiling.

"YOUR DUMB" I yelled in his face, me smiling as well.

"Well that's it" He pounced on me, which threw me backwards so I was now lying on my back. He pinned my arms down. I flipped us over so I was now on top. He pushed me back making me fall onto the floor, but I still had a hold of his wrists. I pulled him down with me. We both fell to the floor and our lips crashed together. I froze and so did he. Neither of us wanted to be the first to move. But because Eddie was on top of me I couldn't anyway. Eddie soon came back to reality and slowly lifted himslef up, getting off of me. I felt tears swell up in my eyes.

"Aleks I-I'm-"

"Get out"


"GET OUT" I screamed at him. He ran out of the room without looking back. I curled up into a ball, pulling my knees up to my chest. I know it wasn't his fault but I just couldn't look at him. This wasn't right. He's my best friend. But I can't help but think that he wanted this to happen.

After sitting in my room for what felt like hours just trying to make sense of everything, someone knocked on the door.

"Aleks are you alright?" It was Seamus.

"Y-Yeah" I said trying to wipe away all evidence that I've been crying.

"Can I come in?" I wounder if Eddie told them what happened.

"Y-Yeah, yeah sure" He slowly opened  the door and came to sit next to me.

"What happened?" He asked me. I looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" I know what he meant but I just didn't want to talk about it.

"Well Eddie's downstairs sulking and he won't talk to us" So Eddie didn't tell them.

"I-It's nothing don't worry about it" I said standing up. Maybe I should talk to Eddie before he spills anythings. I tried to exit the room but Seamus grabbed my arm, he was still sitting on the floor. He looked up at me with worry in his eyes.

"Are you sure? I know you've been crying Aleks. You can tell me" I looked away from him, trying to hide my face.

"Don't worry. It's nothing" I said and ripped my arm from his grip. I walked out of the room. I heard Seamus get up and follow me.

I slowly walked downstairs, trying to think about what I was going to say to Eddie. I saw him sat at the table in the kitchen with his head down, James was next to him.

"E-Eddie" I said nervously. He turned to look at me. His eyes were red and he had tears running down his cheeks. "C-Can I talk to you?" I asked him. I didn't want to talk to him in front of James and Seamus. He nodded and got up out of his seat. I walked back up stairs as he followed. I saw James and Seamus looking worried. What am I going to say?

We got into our room and I sat on my bed. Eddie shut the door and leaned against it, he was looking at the floor. 

"Eddie I'm sorry" I apologized. Eddie looked at me, shocked.

"What for?" His voice cracked. He sounded like he was going to cry again.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you"

I looked away from him, I couldn't watch my best friend cry. Esspecially knowing that I was the one who made him like this. I heard him walk over to me. And I felt my bed go down beside me. I turned my head to see that he was now sitting right next to me.

"Don't apologize" He said. I looked at him confused but he carried on "I should apologize"

"No it's fine Eddie"

"Let me finish. I want to apologize for what I'm about to do" Before I could ask he grabbed my face and smashed our lips together.


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