Chapter 12 ~ I'm sorry

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/2 months later/

Me and Eddie have been together for a while now. Nothing has really changed since the first days of us going out. We still haven't told the fans and we haven't gone all the way yet either. I know that Eddie really wants to but I don't feel ready yet. He keeps saying that he'll wait but he can't forever and I know that but I'm scared, just like I'm scared to tell the fans about us. What if they judge us. I know that I said I would relax more but it's hard to when your terrified what people will think. 

I've managed to convince Eddie not to talk about... us, In front of the other guys. I know that they said they were fine with it but I started to feel uncomfortable. Me and Eddie now basically act like friends around everyone, only at night or when were alone we act like an actual couple. Are me and Eddie even a couple yet? I mean, he hasn't asked me out. Maybe he forgot and already thinks that we are. 

I look around the room to see that Eddie is sat at the other end of the couch and between us was Seamus and James. Maybe I could ask him. But I don't want to do it in front of them. I need to get him alone. 

"Erm.... Eddie"?" He turned to look at me surprised. 

"Yeah Aleks, what's up?" He asked me smiling, like he's really glad that I'm actually talking to him. 

"Can I talk to you? Alone" I ask him nervously. He looks at me worried. 

"Sure dude" He said and stood up. 

I got up off of the couch as well and followed him out of the room. 

When we got into the hall where James and Seamus couldn't hear us I began to talk.

"Eddie, I just wanted to ask.... if erm.... you think of us as a couple?" He looked at me shocked, but sorrow slowly started to creep across his face.

"I don't even know anymore Aleks" I felt my heart sink in my chest and my limbs suddenly became really heavy.

"W-what do you mean?" He looked up at me. It looked like he was going to cry. 

"We've been so... distant lately. And I feel like you don't want us to be together but you don't want to tell me that it's over" I felt my heart break. How could he think like this.

"Of course I want to be with you. I just asked because we never made us official" 

"But how come you stopped letting me hug you and kiss you?" He said sternly. I scratched the back of my neck nervously. He continued "We never do anything together. When we're alone you always go and see where everyone else is. When every ones asleep you say your tired and end up going to bed without another word. Why have you been avoiding us being alone together?"

"I just.... I don't know" I finally said, not wanting to admit that I felt bad for the guys having to watch us be all..... couplely. He shook his head and sighed.

"Why Aleks?" "Why do try and block me out?" I looked at him confused.

"When do I block you out?" 

"All the time Aleks. We hardly even talk anymore never mind anything else" I looked down at the floor. He's right. I hadn't even noticed. We never do anything together anymore, including having an actual conversation. 

"I'm sorry Eddie" I said quietly. 

I heard Eddie sigh.

"Can you please let me be with you Aleks?" I look up at him. He wasn't looking at me, his head was tilted forward, looking at his feet. 

"Yes" He tilted his head back up. He was smiling. I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could tell that he was shocked but soon wrapped his arms around my body, squeezing me tight. 

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