Chapter 10 ~ Comfortable?

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We walked to the basement, still hand in hand. We both walked in giggling with happiness. I'm so happy that me and Eddie had decided to give this a go. I felt so comfortable and happy around him. He is my best friend but being more than friends feels more....right. I had completely forgotten about the other guys. I felt like me and Eddie were the last people in existent. 

"W-What's going on?" I heard Jordan say. I snapped back to reality. I looked down at mine and Eddie's hand, our fingers were intertwined. I quickly removed it. 

"Nothing dude" I said quickly and went to sit down on the end of the couch. 

"It didn't look like nothing" He replied. I began to get nervous, my body was shaking and I had suddenly got really warm. 

"Dude he said it was nothing" Eddie said smiling. Jordan didn't give up. He knew something was going on. 

"But you two were holding hands. Since when do you two do that?" I looked at Eddie. I didn't know what we could possible say that would be believable. My palms started to sweat. 

"Nothing, Aleks was upset about something and I was just comforting him" I looked at Jordan, hoping that he would just leave it at that. He had a suspicious look on his face. He nodded. 

"Okay, is there anything else that we should know?" I quickly shook my head. 

"No nothing" He looked at me. James stood up off of the couch. He looked angry. 

"GOD DAMMIT ALEKS, TELL THEM" He yelled. I felt my whole body freeze. 

"JAMES SHUT UP" I heard Eddie yell. I put my face into my hands. 





"YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE TO, DON'T YOU? BUT ALEKS IS THE ONE THAT'S STOPPING YOU, ISN'T HE?" There was a pause. Did Eddie really feel like I was stopping him. I looked up, Eddie was looking at the floor. He still hadn't said anything. I felt tears start to run down my cheek. 

"Do you really feel that way?" I asked quietly. He looked up. Tears falling from his cheeks. He didn't answer. I felt more tears start to form in my eyes. I shook my head, giggling. 

"So that's how you actually feel then. You feel like I'm stopping you, keeping you back" He slowly shook his head.

"A-Aleks, that's not how I feel" 

"Well how come you didn't answer James then? Why did you hesitate?" He tilted his head forward, looking at the floor.

"Because I want to tell them but because you're not ready then I can't. I care more about you Aleks and if your not ready then I can wait" He looked back up at me. His eyes were blood shot and his face was blotchy. I couldn't look at him like this. I looked back at my feet.

"I'm sorry Eddie" I said quietly. 

There was a long silence. Nobody knew what to say until Jordan cleared his throat. 

"So, what exactly is going on between you two or are we not allowed to know". I giggled. I looked up at Eddie. 

"Well I guess we might as well tell them seen as they know some things up" I said. He smiled and walked over to me. He stood in front of me and put his hands either side of my face. 

"I love you" He whispered and leaned in, kissing my forehead. I blushed. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up so I was stood next to him. 

"Are sure your ready?" He asked quietly. I nodded. He squeezed my hand tighter. 

BestFriends? (Immortalfox)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora