Chapter 8 ~ Laughed

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I kept my head down, I didn't want to see his facial expression. I slowly walked past him and into the kitchen. I heard loud footsteps then a door slam. I guess Eddie ran upstairs but I didn't look to check. I opened the fridge to see what there was to eat. I was no longer hungry. I didn't want to brake it off with Eddie but if everyone felt weird about it then it's obvious a sign that it wasn't going to work out. I can't make everyone feel uncomfortable around us, especially because they're our friends. I felt more tears flood my eyes and I started to sob, still standing in front of the fridge. 

"I'm sorry Aleks" I heard Seamus say from behind me. I shook my head.

"I-It's not your fault" I said closing the fridge. I turned and took a seat in an empty chair, I didn't look at them. 

"You would still be together if we didn't know" 

"He's right though. You were bound to find out at some point and if your not happy then that means everyone else won't be happy, so what's the point" I said, putting my elbows on the table and placing my head into my hands. 

"Aleks, it's not that we're unhappy. It's just that... we didn't expect that and the fact that we heard you last night made us a bit more uncomfortable" James said, he wasn't shouting and sounded quite worried. I felt myself blush. 

"I-I'm sorry that you heard" I say quietly.

"Don't worry about it. But can you imagine how confusing it was to here you moan Eddie" I giggled. 

"I guess, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be loud" I removed hands and wiped the tears from my pink cheeks. 

"We know, but you couldn't help it" James said, smiling and giggling. I laughed.

"Well I guess you don't have to worry about hearing anything anymore" I said as my smile faded. I placed my head on the table. 

"Aleks" James said.

"Hmm?" I replied without raising my head.

"Look at me you fucker" He said. I sighed and raised my head so I was facing him. He looked serious. 

"You are going to go upstairs and make up with Eddie" I shook my head.

"James I-" 

"Don't interrupt me" I slowly shut my mouth and just looked at him as he continued. "Now your going to go upstairs and get back together with him and if you don't, I will come up there and kick some serious ass until your back together" He said smirking at me. I smiled. 

"Thanks James" He nodded.

"Now go get him back you cock sucker" He winked at me which made me laugh.

"Shut the fuck up" He giggled as I jumped out of my seat and ran straight upstairs to mine and Eddie's room. I really hope that he'll forgive me. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it if he rejects me. 

I got to the door and stopped. What am I going to say? I pulled up my clenched fist to knock on the door but I paused. I lowered my hand before opened the door and walked straight in. 

"Eddie?" I said quietly.

"What do you want?" He asked in a harsh voice. He was laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry Eddie" I said walking in and quietly shutting the door behind me. He didn't say anything. "Eddie please. I was upset. They both looked really uncomfortable and awkward, I thought that they wouldn't be able to feel comfortable around us. But it turns out that they only felt that way was because of what they heard. Eddie please, can you forgive me?" I pleaded, tears started to swell in my eyes. Eddie sat up and looked at me. He had been crying so there were tear stains down his face and his eyes were blood shot. 

"Aleks I-I don't know" He then laid back down on the bed. "If your going to react like that every time someone feels uncomfortable then we might as well not be together" I felt the tears start to stream down my face. 

"E-Eddie I'm sorry" I said and sat on the end of my bed. I put my face into my hands and started to cry, loudly. 

"Aleks don't cry" Eddie said but not in his usual caring tone. I raised my head.

"How can I when the guy I love said that we shouldn't be together" I placed my face back into my hands and started to sob more.

There was silence. 

"Y-You love me?" Eddie said quietly. I froze. Did I just tell him that I loved him? I didn't even notice that I said that. Maybe that means I do. I told the guy that I've been with for only a couple of days that I loved him. I raised my head and looked at him. 

"Yes. I do" I said. I saw him slightly smile then giggled. Why was this funny? What could he possibly find funny?

"E-Eddie what's funny?" I stuttered. He wiped away his tears from laughing. He got up off of his bed and walked towards me. 

"You silly" He said sitting next to me. 

"W-What about me?" He giggled.

"You said you love me" He said smiling. I felt anger take over my body.

"YOUR LAUGHING BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" I shouted standing to my feet. I sprinted out of the room and downstairs to see that Seamus and James were still in the kitchen. I ran past them, tears streaming down my face. 

"Aleks what's wrong?" I heard Seamus shout after me, but I kept running.

"ALEKS" I heard James yell, but I didn't stop. I told Eddie I loved him and he laughed. He laughed. He obviously doesn't love me back so why bother. I ran out of the front door, slamming it behind me and I sprinted down the road. I would have taken my car but I didn't pick up my keys and I didn't want to go back. 

The cold wind against my damp face was freezing but I didn't stop. I kept running. I never wanted to stop. Eddie's laugh was on repeat in my head. Why did he laugh? More tears poured down my face. 

I didn't know where I was going to go. I just wanted to get as far away as I possible can. My legs started to go numb and I had sharp pains in my chest. I collapsed to the floor. I was kneeling down with my arms supporting me. I closed my eyes, I couldn't held it back anymore. I started cry, louder than before. I was breathing heavily as I loudly sobbed. No one was around. I was alone. 

I just stayed in the same position crying for what felt forever before I heard a car pull up next to me. I looked up to see who it was.

"E-Eddie" I said as I saw the tall tanned man slowly walk towards me. 

"Hey Ally" He said and sat down on the curve next to me. "I'm sorry Aleks, I didn't mean to upset you" He said quietly. I shook my head.

"You laughed" 

"I laughed because I realized something" 


"I realized that I love you too"

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