Chapter 14 ~ How could I...

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I slowly opened my eyes to see that the room around me was dark. How long did I sleep for. I rubbed my eyes before reaching over to my bed side table for my phone. As I grasped it in my hand I realized that I was alone. Eddie must have gone downstairs already. I pressed the button on my phone making the screen light up, practically blinding me. I squinted to try and make out the time. 


Well it's not that late so the guys are probably still downstairs. I locked my phone before placing it down on the bed. I swung my legs off, lifting my body up. I stretched my back and arms before making my way to the door. 

I grasped the cold door knob in my hand, twisting it. I lightly pushed on the door and light from the hall started to flood my room. I raised my hand over my eyes so I could adjust without being blinded. I walked along the creaky hall over to the stair case. Sloppily I walked down stairs. 

I could hear James yelling from the basement. I guess they're playing a game or something. 

I walked down the second set of stairs to see everyone here. James, Seamus, Eddie on the couch also Dan and Jordan on chairs. Everyone turned to look at me as soon as I entered. 

"FINALLY" James yelled, sending a sharp pain through my ears. I place my hands over my ears.

"Please don't yell" I said quietly. I'm basically still half asleep.

I dragged my feet over to Eddie and sat on his knees. I snuggled my head into his chest and closed my eyes. I felt him put his hand on the back of my head as he slowly started to stroke my hair. 

"Aleks, you're still tired. Why don't you go back to bed?" He said softly in my ear. I groaned.

"But I don't want to go back to bed" I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight. I heard him giggle. 

"Fine, stay here but we're having a discussion which you should get involved in" I kept my eyes closed but nodded my head. "Okay then, Jordan carry on" 

I was too tired to open my eyes so I kept them closed as Jordan carried on with their discussion.

"Anyway, so do you guys think it's a good idea?" He asked. 

"Hey ain't you going to explain what's going on to Aleks?" Eddie interrupted.

"He's basically asleep" 

"He can hear you" I felt Eddie slightly shake me. I guess this means I have to listen to them. 

I groaned and mumbled as I raised my head off of Eddie's chest and slid in the small gap between him and Seamus on the couch. 

"Okay tell me" I groaned, trying to keep my eyes open. Jordan looked slightly shocked but I shook it off thinking it's probably nothing. 

"Aleks, we are deciding if we should move into an office next" It took a while to take in the words. 

"Office?" I asked

"Yeah, we only have this house for a few more days before we have to find somewhere else so I think we should get an office" I looked at him confused. Where will me, Eddie, James and Seamus live if we get an office. 

"Where will we go?" 

"That's what we're discussing now" Jordan said turning to look at James. "James doesn't want to leave the house, Seamus doesn't care and Eddie says he'll do whatever you want to do" 

I turn to look at Eddie. I guess if we have to move out me and Eddie will end up still living together. He smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled back at him before turning to the other guys. They all looked really surprised. 

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