Chapter 21~ Propose?...

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(A few weeks later)

Eddie's been back for awhile now. James and Seamus have welcomed Eddie back and all has been forgiven. We have to leave the house in a few days, not sure where me and Eddie are going to go. We might have to stay with one of the other guys until we can find a place of our own.

Me and Eddie are currently eating lunch with the rest of the guys. Just a few sandwiches at this local place in town

James had gone to bathroom so we decided to leave him a little surprise for when he gets back.

"Quickly, he'll be back any second now" I warned them as Eddie poured some hot sauce in between the bread bun and whatever meat he had on his sandwich. He squeezed the sauce out of the little sachet, circling it, making sure that the next bite he takes will be extremely hot. 

"I'm going as fast as I can Ally" Eddie panicked as he threw the remaining rapper of the sauce into the empty paper bag. 

I smiled to myself at the pet name, he's been calling me Ally for a while but it still makes my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. 

We all sat down casually, but for us, trying to be casual is hard. We were all smiling and trying to hold back our laughs. I saw James out of the corner of my eye as he exited the bathroom. I picked up the last half of my sandwich and slowly started to eat it, trying to hide my smile. 

James sat down. He picked up his sandwhich but paused. 

"Whats wrong with you guys?" He asked suspicously as he scanned each of us, looking at us like we've done something wrong. 

"What do you mean?" Seamus asked, he was the only one not smiling. I don't know how he does it.

"Yes James, what ever do you mean?" Eddie asked in a slightly high, posh voice. Nobody could hold it back anymore. Everyone burst out laughing. 

"Assholes" James muttered to himself before taking quite a large chunk out of his sandwich. I saw his eyes widen as his face was gaining more colour. 

"What's wrong James?, Don't you like your sandwich?" I asked as his eyes darted to me giving me a death stare. 

He reach for the paper bag, spitting the contents of his mouth inside it. 

"WHAT DID YOU FUCKERS DO TO MY SANDWICH?" He yelled his face now a bright shade of red. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" Eddie said, crossing his arms sitting back in seat. He tried to keep a straight face however it wasn't long before a smile was spread across his face.

"DID YOU PUT HOT SAUCE OR SOMETHING IN IT?" He grabbed his bottle of sprite on the table and downed half of the bottle. 

Everyone stayed quiet, not wanting to take the blame. Everyone knew that James would want revenge. 

Eddie cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. 

"I have something to say, which has nothing to do with James's sandwich" He smirked at James who growled at him. Wow he must be mad. 

My attention went back to Eddie who was now stood up, he walked away from the table and behind me. I spun my chair around to face him, curious about what he was going to say. 

"I have something to ask" His voice was calm, but slightly shaky. He tried to give off confidence however I knew him too well to know when he's nervous.

I looked up at him confused. What could he possibly have to ask, and here of all places.

"Aleks.." Eddie slowly knelt on one knee, looking up at me. My breath hitched in my throat. 

He can't be...

He pulled out a small velvet box out of his jacket. 

"Will you-"  Is he really going to..

He opened the box to reveal..... some keys?

"Will you move in with me?" The smile on his was shining bright but soon faded as he saw my expression. 

I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. I thought he was going to...

My body was filled with disappointment as the tears escaped my eyes.

"Aleks are you alright?" He asked, standing up and placing his hand gently on my shoulder. I didn't look at him, knowing that this isn't the reaction he wanted.

I shook my head before standing up and running to the bathroom.


Why was I so upset about this? We haven't even been dating for a year yet. 

I paced in front of the sinks, I guess the guys decided to give me a bit of space seen as no one have come to check on me and I've been in here a good 10 minutes. 

I thought Eddie was going to ask me to be his. I was preparing myself to hug him and never let go. Planting a passionate kiss and his soft lips before saying yes.  

I leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down. More tears streaming down my face. 

I've just made a complete fool of myself. He was doing it as a joke and I took it seriously. 

I heard the bathroom door slowly creak open. I quickly stood up, wiping my tears and straightening myself out. 

I stood in front of the sink closest to me, turning the tap and slashing water onto my blotchy face. 

"Aleks?" It was Jordan, expecting it to be Eddie I turned to face him surprised. 

"Hey Jordan, Whats up?" I grabbed a bunch of paper towels and dried my face, trying to act normal and that I haven't been in here crying the hole time I've been gone. He slowly started to walk towards me.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" He placed his hands into his pockets as he walked closer.

I tilted my head foreword, not knowing how to answer. I swiftly turned to face the mirror again.

"I'm fine" My voice was quiet and slightly croaky again. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't look up.

"Aleks something is obviously wrong, You've been in here for 20 minutes and Eddie is scared he did something wrong, which is why I'm here" 

I sighed, looking up at him.

"I'm fine, I guess just disappointed. I really thought he was going to propose but now that I think about it, why would he" I felt the tears forming again as I tried to continue.

"We haven't been dating for a year yet and I wanted him to propose" He softly wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. 

I wrapped my arms around his chest as I let my tears go.

Great, I'm not crying into Jordan's chest, just when I thought I had some dignity left. I tried to pull away but Jordan rested his hand on the back of my head. 

"Aleks it's okay to cry. Remember that" He removed his hand and released me from the hug. 

"Thanks Jordan" I looked away from him, shyly and embarrassed. 

"I heard Eddie had another surprise for you" I looked up at him confused and curious. He winked as he walked back to the bathroom door. 

"I'll go back to guys now, come out when you're ready" He smiled reassuringly as he left out the door. 

I smiled to myself. He has another surprise. 

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