Chapter 4: Oh. Crap.

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It didn't take long for January to roll around. 

Katnis and Bella had been spending a lot more time together, gone noticed by Charlie, trying to help keep her abilities under control. They'd learned, not long after learning about her telekinesis ability, that she also had the ability of compulsion and persuasion. She could compel anyone to do, forget and believe whatever she wanted. She, nor did Bella, knew how it was possible for her to have such abilities but she did and there was nothing she could do about it. 

After the Cullen's left Forks everyone couldn't stop giving Katnis pity glances. They were under the impression that she and Edward were dating and felt bad for her when he just up and left her. It took everything in Katnis not to snap at them. So, she politely put that rumor to rest. She'd told Jessica, knowing she loved to talk, the truth and it spread like a forest fire. By the end of September, the entire school left the subject alone.

"Why don't you try picking me up?" Bella suggested from her place in the ground. She sat cross-legged with her back against a tree as Katnis practiced lifting thick tree branches.

Katnis lost her focus and the branch hit the ground with a soft thud,"What?" she turned to her sister with wide eyes.

Bella jumped to her feet, dusting her pants off in the process, "You heard me." she says moving towards her,"Try lifting me with your telekinesis brain power." she chuckled.

Her ability to move things without touching them was no longer a sore subject for her. She had to accept what was. Though she still blamed herself for throwing Bella into the living room the day they discovered her ability.

"That is definitely not happening," Katnis says.

"Why not?"

"How about because I don't have this whole telekinesis thing fully under control yet. Or how about I'm just not ready to start testing my ability on humans let alone my very own sister."

"You have to trust yourself, Kat." Bella says,"I do."

"What if I hurt you?"

"You won't."

"Accidents happen, Isabella."

"I know that but I have faith in you." she says.

Katnis takes a deep  breath and sighs She could just tell her to leave it alone but she'd promised she'd never used her abilities against her family. "Alright. I'll do it."

Bella smiles widely as she took a few steps back. "Just concentrate on me. You're going to do great," she says in a bit of a cheerful tone.

"You are far too excited about this,  Bella."

"Why wouldn't I be? I may get to fly soon." she laughs.

Katnis rolls her eyes, "Or fall and break something." she mumbled.

"Come on,  Katnis,  you have to give yourself more credit." she argued, "You've come a long way."

"It hasn't even been an entire month Bella."

"That's my point. It hasn't been an entire month and you've already got most of your abilities under control." she says, "You've done something that would take others months to do."

"How can you be okay with all of this?"

"What? Your abilities?"

"Not just that. When you found out about the Cullens' you were upset but you didn't seem afraid of them, of the fact that they're vampires."

"Oh, I was afraid. I was freaking out." she continued when she noticed the look of confusion on her younger sisters face, "I was freaking out on the inside. I didn't think you'd want me running around screaming like a chicken with its head cut off."

"Are you still afraid of them?"

She shakes her head, "Why would I be? They're not here anymore." she says, "I know they said that they would never hurt you but there was always this voice in the back of my head that worried about one of them eventually losing control. I hated worrying about if you were going to come home the following day."

Katnis nods, "Looks like it all worked out in your favor." she takes a few steps back.

"Kat -"

"Bella, I'm not upset. We're good." she offers a small smile.

Bella nods, "Alright. Ready?"

Katnis nods, "As ready as I'll ever be." 

Closing her eyes, Katnis worked to clear her mind of any thoughts other than Bella. She imagined lifting Bella off solid ground and into the air. "Oh My God! Katnis!" Bella shrieked. Katnis eyes flew open and widened at the scene before her. Bella was no longer on the ground but looked to be at least thirteen feet in the air. "See, I told you-you could do it!" Bella laughs as she spread her arms open and leaned back. She was laying on her back in mid-air.

Katnis can't help the smile that played on her lips as she watched her sister laugh with joy, "Wow." she gasps. 

"This is so amazing!" Bella squealed.

Katnis walks closer to where her sister is floating mid-air. "How does it feel?" Katnis asked.

"Like floating on air."

Katnis chuckled at her sister. "Technically, Bella, you are floating in air," she said.

Bella rolls her eyes. "You know what I meant."

Katnis shakes her head. "No, I only know what you said," she said.

Bella glares down at her. "Whatever."

"Bella?" Charlie's voice sounded from behind them. "Ka - Katnis?"

Katnis, making sure not to drop Bella,  slowly turns to her father who was staring at Bella and her in complete and utter astonishment. "Dad, you're home early," Bella pointed out from her place above Katnis.

Katnis slow lowers her to solid ground. "I wasn't feeling too well," his gaze drifts towards Katnis who is staring at him with intense eyes."Was Bella just...floating in mid-air?"

She nods.

"Were you just...were you doing that?"

She slowly nods.

Charlie ran his fingers through his hair. "So, you can - how?"

She shrugs.

"We don't know,  dad," Bella spoke up. "She just can?"

"How long has this been happening?"

"Almost a month now."

"A month? Why didn't you tell me?" he took a step towards Katnis but she took a step back.

"I can move things with my mind and compel and persuade anyone to do whatever it is I want them to do or say," Katnis confessed. "How was I suppose to tell my father something like that? Dad,  I didn't want you to look at me and think I was some kind of..."


She meets his gaze then looks at the ground. "...freak."

Charlie crossed the yard until he was in front of her, cupping her face. "You are not a freak.  Far from it," he says looking deeply into her eyes. "You're just...different.  You always have been."

"So,  you don't want me to go?  You don't think I should leave you and Bella?"

"God, no," he crushes her into his chest, his arms around d her small frame. "You're staying right here with us,  forever," he states. "Besides, now I don't have to move all the heavy things around the house when it's time to clean up.  You can lift them for me."

She and Bella chuckle as she draws back to look up at him."You're taking this pretty well, dad."

"You're my daughter and I vowed to love you no matter what," he smiles down at her. "Nothing will ever make me want to turn you away."


He shakes his head. "Ever."

Katnis wrapped her arms around her father.  She was so relieved and happy she would no longer get have to hide her abilities from him. "I love you,  dad."

He kissed the top of her hair. "I love you, too, sweetie."

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