Chapter 32: True Forgiveness

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Katnis turned around just in time for Alice to tackle her into an embrace. Alice wrapped her arms around her middle and pressed her face into her short.

"Uh, Alice?"


"Not that I mind the embrace but...what's going on?" Katnis asked.

Alice, after a moment, pulled away and met Katnis's gave with a big smile. "Nothing. I just had a really good vision about Bella's future." she stated.

"And that prompted you to hug me and not Bella?" Katnis asked.

"Well, it was also concerning your future also. Since I can no longer see you when I want or need to, I've come to realize that anytime I get a vision about Bella, I can conclude that you're in it." She stated. "If Bella is in our future, it must mean so are you."

Katnis nodded in understanding.

"So, are you still coming over later?" Rosalie asked, suddenly at her sisters side.

Katnis raised a brow. "I said I was coming over?"

"Well, Alice had a rare moment and saw that you'd be coming over sometime later. I just wanted to confirm it." She said.

Katnis smiled at her. "Well, I guess if Alice has seen it, it must be so."

Rosalie smiled big. "That's - I'm so happy to hear you say that."

Later that day, around the time Katnis knew the Cullen's would be expecting her, she pulled up in front of their home. Before she could even get out of the truck, her door was being thrown open and she was being yanked out and into strong arms.

Katnis took a breath and let it out.

"We just saw each other, Emmett." Katnis chuckled.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't miss you already." He stated as he swung her around.

Katnis laughed. "Emmett, I'm not going anywhere."

He came to a sudden stop and looked into her face. "You promise? You promise not to go anywhere because every second that you're not around, I fear that we may lose you, again." He stated seriously, which was not Emmett like. "After what we did, I find myself waiting for the ball to drop and for you to disappear."

Katnis, having stopped laughing seconds ago, lifted a hand to his cheek and sighed. "I promise you, Emmett Cullen, and your entire family, that I'm not going anywhere. Not voluntarily anyway. Despite everything, I am not planning on walking away as part of some revenge plot," she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "You're stuck with me now and I'm stuck with you. Nothing and no one, not even your brother, can change that. Not ever again."

Emmett wrapped her in his arms once again. "I love you, Katnis Swan."

Katnis smiled. "I love you, too, you big ol' teddy bear."

Emmett groaned.

"I am not a teddy bear. I am a killing machine, literally."

Katnis smiled. "You'll always be a teddy bear in my eyes, Emmett Cullen."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

In a blink of an eye, Katnis found herself standing in the Cullen's living area with the rest of the Cullen family staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, we just - we heard what you said to Emmett." Alice stated.

Katnis took a breath and nodded. "And you're wondering if I meant it."

(2) Katnis Swan: Moved On?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя