Chapter 11: Closed

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"So, listen. I was wondering if wanted to go see a movie with me." Mike asked.

Katnis looks up from her book to meet his gaze. She knew Mike kind of had a thing for her but she didn't feel that way about him. Not even close. But she could use a break from all of her school work and the house.

So, she agreed. "Yeah, sure. I would like that."

His eyes lit up. "Cool, um, let me see. We could ...we could check The Choice. Yeah, it's a romantic movie."

Katnis shakes her head. "No romance. about 'Silent Hill'? You ever heard of that?"

Mike nods. "I mean it''s a horror movie."

"Yeah, it's perfect. I love horror movies."

"Okay, so..."

"We should get a bunch of people to go with us." Katnis turns around to look at everyone. "Do you guys want to go see...Silent Hill?" She looks at Bella and Peeta.

"Yeah! I've been dying to see the scene where dude rips that woman's skin from her entire body." Eric says.

"Sure." Bella says.

Katnis looks to Peeta.

"Sounds like fun. I could use a break from school." he says.

"Then it's settled," Katnis says.

"Yay. Movie night with Katnis." Jessica says sarcastically.

Katnis glares at her. "You don't have to come, Jessica. No one is going to lose any sleep if you choose to stay home. Trust me." she spits.

Jessica stares at her with an open mouth. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Ever since I've gotten settled back into my life you have been nothing but a complete and utter bitch to me with all of your snide and sarcastic comments," she hisses. "And quite frankly I am sick of it. If you can't say anything nice, or worth saying, then I highly suggest you keep your mouth closed before I close it for you."

And with that Katnis gathers up her things and walks out of the room.

"Hey, what was that back there?" Bella asked, catching up with her. "Are you alright?"

Katnis shakes her head. "I'm just sick of Jessica and her fat mouth. She always has something to say and quite frankly, I'm tired of it. The next time, I'm going to I produce her to my first."

Bella widens her eyes. "You'd really hit her?"

Katbis nods. "She keeps down the road she's going, yes, I will. I'm not afraid to put her, or anyone else, in their place."

Nodding, Bella takes her arm and wraps it around hers. "Can I ask you a question without it upsetting you?"

Katnis nods. "Sure."

"How are you holding up? It's been several months since Edward left and I know you were just starting to open up to him."

Katnis swallows.

"I'm...alright. I'm done with wishing he'd never left or wishing he wouldd return. I have to move on with my life and that's exactly what I'm going to do."


Katnis nods. "Yes. I deserve better than a life of wishing and wondering. He left so that I could have a chance at a normal life so," Katnis takes a big breath. "I'm doing to do just that. I'm going to live a normal life, with a normal guy."

"But you yourself, Katnis, are not normal." Bella points out.

"Yes, that is true, but I can keep that part of me under co tell and to myself. There's no need to expose that side of myself to anyone else."

Bella nods them smiles. "So, does anyone here catch your eye?"

Katnis looks down at her with a raised brow. "Really? You're joking, right?"

Bella shakes her head. "Come on. It's obvious Mike still likes you, and that Damon has feelings for you."

"Peeta?" Katnis questioned with raised brows.

"Have you not seen how he looks at you or how in sync he is with you? That boy mimics your every move without realizing it."

"You're crazy."

Bella shook her head. "No but you're blind. So blind that you can't see that has a thing for you."

Katnis shook her head. "I think you're seeing whatever you want to see. Peeta does not like me in that way."

Bella sighed then shrugged. "Okay. If you want to walk around and pretend like eveeything is peachy, go ahead," she said. "But don't act surprise when the truth comes out."

Katnis took a big breath and sighed. She knew Peeta liked her but she didnt need that right now. She didn't want that. Peeta was a great guy: sweet, kind, smart, quiet and funny when he wanted to be. He was damn near perfect and that scared her. She didnt want to find herself in a position where she started having feelings for him because she knew how it would end: heartbreak.

The last guy she'd opened up to left her without a second glance, without hesitation. And she won't put herself through that again. Ever.

Edward Cullen was the first and the last guy to ever break her heart. She could finally close the door on him.

 She could finally close the door on him

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