Chapter 14: Wolves

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"Did James ever find you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes," he said, hesitating on that step. "I actually came here as a favor to him."

He made a face.

"He won't be happy about this."

"About what?" She asked, inviting him to continue. He was glaring into the trees, away from her. She took advantage of his diversion, taking a furtive step back.

He looked back at her and smiled—the expression made him look like a black-haired angel.

"About me killing you," he answered in a seductive purr.

"He wanted to save that part for herself," he went on blithely. "She's sort of… put out with you, Katnis."

"Me?" She laughed.

He shook his head and chuckled. "I know, it seems a little backward to me, too. But Victoria was his mate, and your Edward killed him."

She rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.

Laurent was oblivious to her reaction.

"He thought it more appropriate to kill you than Edward—fair
turnabout, mate for mate. He asked me to get the lay of the land for him, so to speak. I didn't imagine
you would be so easy to get to. So maybe his plan was flawed—apparently it wouldn't be the revenge
he'd imagined, since you must not mean very much to him if he left you here unprotected."

"Go to hell, Laurant," She spat. "And he is not MY Edward." She hissed.

"Well, you've caught me at a bad time, Katnis. I didn't come to this place on James's mission—I was hunting. I'm quite thirsty, and you do smell...simply mouthwatering."

Laurent looked at her with approval, as if he meant it as a compliment

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Laurent looked at her with approval, as if he meant it as a compliment.

"Threaten him," the delusion ordered, his voice distorted with dread.

"He'll know it was you," she snapped. "You won't get away with this."

"And why not?" Laurent's smile widened. He gazed around the small opening in the trees. "The scent will
wash away with the next rain. No one will find your body—you'll simply go missing, like so many, many
other humans. There's no reason for Edward to think of me, if he cares enough to investigate. This is nothing personal, let me assure you, Katnis. Just thirst."

"Beg," my hallucination begged.

This time she laughed. She would not beg. Ever.

"Screw this." With a flick of her wrist, she sent him back a good fifty feet and into a tree.

"I don't believe it," he said, his voice so low that she barely heard it.

She smiled. "I know, cool, right?" She lifted him off solid ground, leaving him dangling in the air. "I was trying to five you the opportunity to walk away but you wanted to be stubborn."

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