School Sucks

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Luke's POV

I woke up to my iPhone playing my favorite All Time Low song, Somewhere in Neverland, signaling it was time to get up for school. This was my first year at a public high school as I was homeschooled ever since I was in primary school. I'm a senior and I'm going to some school called Ranum High, an all boys school, and apparently it's a really bad school. Lots of punks there, and that was just from what I saw at orientation.

The school was just a block from my new house. My parents had recently been divorced, and so my mom took me to live here and my dad stayed with my two brothers at our old house. I was the youngest anyways, we didn't have anything in common and they either never talked to me or made fun of me. I preferred my mom anyways. My dad never approved of anything I did, he was always wanting to me to be this football jock, which I knew I wouldn't be. I am a little more feminine too, so I don't mind being around my mom. She has always been supportive of whatever I choose. Again, my dad on the other hand, not so much.

I finally rolled out of bed when my mom yelled at me to take a shower. I grabbed a towel from the closet and proceeded to the bathroom. I stripped and took a shower sleepily. Once I was done, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way back to my room. I looked in my closet to see what to wear. I found a flannel shirt and some black skinny jeans. Who was I trying to impress anyways? I made my way downstairs to see that my mom had some waffles on the table for me.

"Thanks Ma!" I said giving her a kiss.

"You're welcome honey!" She responded putting two waffles on my plate.

I ate two waffles, more like shoved them in my mouth. What? I'm a teenage boy, what do you expect. After I was done eating my delicious breakfast, I ran back upstairs to grab my shoes. As I was putting them on I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I fixed my hair a little bit, as it had dried. I put my favorite beanie on over my styled hair. Why did I just style my hair and then put a hat on? Because why the fuck not. I looked at myself over and over, hm maybe I will fit in here. I had a black lip ring that I had just gotten recently, after my parents announced their divorce. I was a little bit of a rebel, but not really. I'm a mama's boy and I always will be. Why did I get a lip ring you ask? Honestly? Because I think it looks fucking hot. Okay, maybe not on me but I don't know, again like I said I wanted to be a rebel. I grabbed my new, black backpack and headed down the stairs.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I put my headphones in and pressed play on my 'Sad' playlist. I wasn't feeling sad, I just didn't really want to go to school. It's not that I was scared or anything, I just would rather stay home and have my mom teach me. Since the divorce, she needed to get a job and make money instead of homeschooling me. Which sucked, I mean it sucked big time but oh well. I was a go with the flow kind of person, but sometimes it stressed me out. I walked towards my school as some guys in a red convertible drove past me. Decked out with tattoos and piercings, just the normal crowd at Ranum High.

    Since I had orientation, I knew where my locker was and where all my classes were. I walked in the door and went straight away to my locker to put my new notebooks away. I closed my locker and headed towards my math class. I was the first into Mr. Stevens' class. He gave me the math book and told me to choose a seat, I choose the front, I couldn't hide in the back at this point anyways. After the bell rang everyone had sat down and there was still a seat left next to me. I shrugged it off as maybe someone was sick, or there wasn't that many people enrolled in the class. Soon after Mr. Stevens started his lesson, the door flew open, and that's when my heart stopped beating. This red haired punk opened the door and nonchalantly walked in and slid into the desk right next to me. He had red hair, an eyebrow piercing on his right eyebrow and he was wearing a Metallica muscle tank with a flannel, the almost the same exact flannel I was wearing. Along with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. We were wear almost the same exact thing. I was watching his every move, with my mouth dropped to the floor.

"Hey pretty boy what's your name?" he slurred to me.

I blushed and started stuttering,"L-L-Luke."

"That's fuckin' hot." He bit his lip, staring deep in my eyes. I have completely forgotten that I was in class that people were probably staring. I took my eyes off of the new un-named boy for a few seconds to look around the room. I was relieved with what I saw. Everyone's eyes were either on their phone or on the teacher. Everyone had long forgotten about the boy's late entrance. Once I turned back to look at the beautiful piece of art sitting next to me, he was writing something down on a piece of paper and he handed it to me.

"Text me," he said with a wink.

Then the bell rang, signaling class was over. I stood up and shoved the paper in my pocket. I walked around the rest of the day with a smile on my face, but I never saw the beautiful boy for the rest of the day. I skipped home after school with not much homework in my backpack and a beautiful boy's number. I was so giddy I ran up to my room when I got home. My mom wasn't home since she was at work, so I blasted some ATL, P!ATD, and Green Day. I had some things to think about. I pulled my homework out and worked away at my math. Math. My favorite class. Once I finished my homework I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket. I finally opened up the paper and I read Michael with a number scribbled on it. I unlocked my phone and entered his number in. But I didn't know what to name him. Michael just felt a little odd, he didn't seem as sophisticated as a 'Michael'. In the end, I went with Mikey, I thought it was cute. I finally got up the nerve to text him.

L: Hi, it's Luke, from math.

M: Hey babe ;) he messaged back almost instantly.

L: Hi... good grief, I'm so awkward.

M: Why haven't I seen you here before? I mean, I would have remembered you. Boy he was coming on strong, but damn I didn't care.

L: I just moved here, just started at this school.

M: Well I'm fucking glad ;) I can't wait to see more of you. After that, I didn't message back, I didn't really know what to say. I turned my phone off and went downstairs to see that my mom had just gotten home.

"Hi Mom!" I said absolutely giddy.

"What's up buttercup?" She always called me that. "How was your first day?"

"It was great!" It wasn't really. Meeting Michael was great, but that was it.

"Meet any new friends?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah one." I blushed.

"Great!" She said, thankfully not noticing my beet red face. "How does pizza sound for dinner?"

"Awesome!" I smiled. For some reason, Michael was always on my mind and whenever he was, I was so happy. I could tell I was getting feelings for him. Was he getting them for me? Is that why he called me 'pretty boy'? I thought while we got pizza, answering my mom's questions about school in one word answers. After we had gotten and eaten our pizza, I went straight to bed. I couldn't wait for the next day of school to start. I drifted off to sleep, and had a wonderful dream, meeting Michael again, for the first time.

Hi guys! So this is the first chapter and I think I'm in love! OMG okay so vote and comment your favorite part. And how should I introduce Ashton and Calum to the story? Thanks guys. Love you so much :)

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