A Trip To the Zoo

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Luke's POV

The next day was Sunday, my mom finally had the day off, so she wanted to do something fun. She suggested we go to the zoo and asked me if I could bring Michael along. I texted him instantly.

L: Hey babe, up for the zoo today?

M: I don't think I can cover up this hickey you gave me ;)

I blushed, L: Oh fucking well, get your sweet ass over here ;)

M: Woah, my princess is feisty today!

L: BTW mom's coming with.. Try to make a good impression ;)

M: You know me ;)

"Okay Mom, he's coming!"

My mom made us some coffee while we waited for him. I nearly jumped out of my chair when I heard his car roll up in the driveway. He did not cover up the hickey and I could see it from the living room window. I ran to grab my foundation, (yes, I wear makeup sometimes, get the fuck over it) and ran out to the car.

"Well look who's excited to see me!" he said wrapping me in a big hug.

I push him away, "Dickhead, I told you to cover that." I said applying the powder to his neck.

He pushed my arm away, and brushed the powder off. "I don't care. I want to show the world that you're mine."

I was a little nervous, but then I realized that my mom wouldn't care! I don't have to face my dad anymore, that dickhead. We intertwined our fingers together and walked to my front porch.

I opened the door and my mom was walking into the living room from the kitchen.

"Michael!" My mom shouted. She ran to him engulfing him in a huge hug. I let go of Michael's hand and backed away. He hugged my mom back. "I am so thankful for you. You have made my Lukey extremely happy, all thanks to you." Thank god, she didn't notice the hickey.

"Well Ms. Hemmings-"

"Liz, please."

"Well, Liz, your son is quite amazing, and he has made me extremely happy as well." He smiled and put his arm around my waist pulling me close.

"We should probably get going!" My mom said, scooching us out the door.

"I can drive if you'd like Ms.- I mean Liz." Michael said.

"That's wonderful! Of course you can!" My mom responded. My mom got in the back, even after I told her to sit in the front. "You two boys have fun."

Michael and I exchanged smirks. Michael backed out of the driveway and then rested his hand on my thigh, I put my hand on top of his. We all hummed along to the radio. My mom was tapping away on her phone, doing who knows what. It took us about 20 minutes to get to the zoo. Michael parked and came around to help me out.

"What a gentleman." My mom said.

"Nothing but the best for your son." Michael smiled, and helped my mom out of the car as well.

We walked around the whole zoo for hours and Michael held my hand the whole time. We even ate lunch there, and he ordered food for me. We saw some of the animal shows, too. Once our zoo adventure was over, we headed to the front of the zoo where the gift shop was. We looked around and then I came across a cute, pink, stuffed penguin.

"Look, Mikey!" I showed him.

"Do you want that, princess?"

"No, no I just thought that it was cute." I sighed putting it back, I didn't want him to buy it for me, I can take care of myself. We all left to go to the car. I had had a lovely day.

"Wait! I forgot something!" Michael exclaimed. My mom and I stopped and waited for him as he ran back to the gift shop. He returned a few minutes later with a bag.

"For you, princess." He said handing me the bag. I opened it and shook my head.

"I told you I didn't want it." I took out the little pink penguin.

"Yeah, but I knew you did. You're my princess, and you deserve everything in the world, and I'm going to give it to you." He said kissing me. I could heard my mom 'awing' behind me and people were staring. I didn't care. I grabbed my boyfriend's face and smashed my lips onto his. I rose on my tip toes as he grabbed me around my waist. I felt the world spinning around us as we kissed. Once we broke away I looked around, and many people were staring. I started to blush and I got very nervous. I was fumbling around with the bag and I was shaking. Michael held me close, and then came a surprise. Everyone started clapping, thanks to my mom who started it all. (I felt like I was in The Fault in Our Stars). Michael bowed like he had just given an award winning performance. The truth is, he did. It was magnificent. Michael grabbed my hand and led me to the car and helped me in. How fucking cute, I can't get enough of him. He drove us home and my mom left us alone as soon as we got home. She ran inside and we stayed outside leaning against Michael's car.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"You're welcome, princess," he hissed in my ear. He started to nip at my ear, making his way down my neck. I moaned in pleasure. Fuck, he sure was good at this. I couldn't function properly, all I could do was sit there with my hands loosely around his back.

"Goodbye, princess," he snarled and jumped into his car, and backed out of my driveway.

"Fucking Clifford!" I screamed at him as he left. He just smiled. I walked in the house with a huge smile on my face, left by that ridiculous dork. I went up to my room and cuddled with my new penguin, only, I wished it was Michael.

Omg guys I cry this is so cute!! Okay so there will be some smut all thanks to Olivia5Hemmings :) bless you and your writing. Lol okay but seriously guys she's has the best OT4s ever. Please check her out!! Smut in less than 5 chapters okay?! Love you lots xx -Olivia

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