Pretty Boy

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Michael's POV

"Ugh, I don't want to go to school!" I screamed at my alarm, throwing my head back down on the pillow. I didn't want to go to school, it was the truth. I hated everything about that place, even though I was the popular guy. I had my friends Calum and Ashton, they were part of my "group". They were pretty badass like me, but I was the popular one. I know I sound egotistical about that, but it's true, ask any boy there. And while we're being honest, everyone has a crush on me. I turn all the straight guys gay. I could get any boy in that school if I wanted. I was just waiting for the right one.

Once I finally got out of bed and took a shower I drove to school with Calum and Ashton in my red convertible. We drove by some small, scrawny kid that was headed in the direction of our school. He sure was pretty. I'm almost positive I started blushing, thinking about everything I could do to that boy. I tried to play it cool since Calum and Ashton were screaming their heads off about something.

I was encased in my fantasy with the boy while Ashton was trying to snap me out of my trance.

"Michael!" He screamed.

"Um what?" I replied annoyed.

"You literally missed the turn to the school, ten minutes ago."

"Oh shit my fault." I said turning around on a side street.

"Hey don't swear." Ashton tisked.

"I'm a punk, I do what I want." I said flipping him off.

Of course we got to school 5 minutes after the bell had rung. I ran to my math teacher, Mr. Stevens', class. I slowed myself down just as I reached the door and made an appearance. Everyone stared, even Mr. Stevens, like I said, I make all guys gay. Except there was a familiar but unfamiliar face right in the front, next to an open seat. I finally realized that was the boy I had had a fantasy about earlier this morning. I slid into the empty desk next to him and whispered, "Hey pretty boy, what's your name?"

He looked scared as he stuttered a reply, "L-L-Luke."

"That's fuckin' hot," I kept going with my intriguing demeanor. He looked around the room, scared. I wrote my number down on a piece of paper. Once class was over, I handed it to him saying, "text me," I winked too. 

His face got beet red. He was pretty, and I couldn't deny it. I anxiously made it through every class, as I was hoping he was in one of my classes. Of course he wasn't. Just my luck. I wasn't very into school, so once I checked to see if the pretty boy was in my class, and when I saw that he wasn't, I left. Fuck school.

Now this is going to make me sound like an awful person. I have a girlfriend, but I'm not straight. There's an all girls school just down the road from Ranum, called Eastland. She was the most popular at her school. She was called Marissa. She had a lip ring and some tattoos. We matched perfectly, and in another world where I'm straight, we're probably soulmates. She already believes that we are, even though I know we're not. She parties a lot, and her parents are gone often, so she always throws parties at their house. She throws the mainstream punk parties, you know the type, drugs, alcohol, sex with many people you maybe know their first name with, trashing the house. The list goes on. I wasn't very into those parties anymore. She'd always make me come to them, I would leave at 8:30 and she would more than likely wake up next to a couple of different guys in the morning. I don't know how she can think we are soulmates when we haven't even had our first official date. I needed to break up with her pronto, especially after meeting this pretty boy.

New Message to: Marissa <3

Listen babe, we need to talk. I think it's time to end things between us. It's not working out.

She replied almost instantly: Fuck you Mikey, I've already moved on.

What a relief, I thought that was going to be a long drawn out conversation. Easiest break up ever, check. And I know, I'm an awful person for breaking up over text, but as you can see, she didn't care.

Just as I was sitting down to do my math homework (sigh math) my phone buzzed. I thought it was Marissa trying to "get me back". It wasn't. It was the pretty boy.

L: Hi, it's Luke, from math.

M: Hey babe ;) I messaged back.

L: Hi... He was just SO cute

M: Why haven't I seen you here before? I mean, I would have remembered you.

L: I just moved here, just started at this school.

M: Well I'm fucking glad ;) I can't wait to see more of you.

I was hoping we could be going on a date soon, so I started planning. I'm kind of romantic like that. I smiled to myself as I looked through Luke's Facebook page and Twitter. He hadn't posted much, but I found out he loved watching The Lego Movie, and his favorite food is pizza. Works for me, my favorite food is pizza, too! I started stringing this perfect night together.

I worked and worked and worked for hours until I realized it was one in the morning. I closed my laptop and fell asleep instantly. And of course, I had a dream about the pretty boy called Luke.

Hey guys! How do you like Michael's POV? I'm not sure I'll re-write each part in his point of view but I might sometimes. Love you! Comment/vote/read <3 xx

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