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Luke's POV

The next morning was Saturday. I got out of bed at 9 am. I got up to see my mom making breakfast.

"Morning, Mom." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Morning sweetie! How was your date?!" She asked excited, dropping everything.

"Oh mom it was fantastic!" I clasped my hands together in excitement. "We watched a movie and then he took me to watch the stars and eat pizza!"

My mom knew that was a perfect date for me. "Anything else happen?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Well..." I blushed. "He kissed me, I felt like I was in a movie. It was so wonderful Mommy!"

She pulled me in close to her and squeezed me. "Lukey, I've always wanted someone for you. I've always wanted you to find someone like this, and I'm so happy you have. Don't ever let him go."

"I won't, Mom."

My mom made pancakes for breakfast and while we ate I told her in detail about last night's date from beginning to end. I washed the dishes after breakfast because my mom had to get to work. She's been working so much these past few days, just to keep a roof over our heads. I cleaned my room up a little bit and did some laundry. I still didn't have any friends aside from Michael so I watched TV. I watched How I Met Your Mother, my all- time favorite show. I was in the middle of the 5th episode in a row when my phone buzzed. It was Michael.

M: Hey babe, what are you doing?

L: Just watching TV..

M: Can I come over? I'm lonely!

L: Hm, ok :)

M: Be over in a few. ;)

A smile grew on my face. He was so wonderful. A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I got up to open it, and when I did my breath was taken away. He had brought me flowers. He was dressed pretty casual.

"Mikey, why'd you bring me flowers?" I said taking them.

"Because they reminded me of you," he said shyly.

"You're so sweet," I said and pecked him on the cheek. "Come in."  I set the flowers down and when I turned around Michael was standing inches from my face. I felt his hot breath on my face blowing stray hairs out of my face. He put his arm around my neck.

"You're so pretty, Luke." He breathed.

"You're so beautiful, Michael." And then it happened.

His hands went down to my waist as my mine went to his face. Our lips met and it felt like electricity racing through my body. I felt it in my fingertips and in my toes. I stood up on my tip toes and ran my fingers through his hair and tugged it a little. Michael moaned into the kiss, and he tugged at my lip ring. Once we pulled away, we rested our heads together.

"I maybe think I love you," I admitted.

"I know I love you." Michael said and kissed me.

We cuddle on the couch the rest of the day, with mini make out sessions in between. This was one of the best days of my life and the days can only get better from here.

Hey guys! What's up! Hope you're liking this book! I know I am. Muke is just too cute. And sorry this was a short chapter, filler chapters suck I know. Any who comment what you like about this book, please and thank you!

-Olivia xx

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