Two Sides

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Luke's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I had a raging headache and was very nauseous. I opened my eyes, hissing at the light coming into the room from the window. I looked around the room, it looked vaguely familiar. Marissa's room.

"Oh shit." I mumbled to myself. I sat up and immediately felt pale. I grabbed the trashcan next to me and threw up. Michael walked in the door with water and aspirin. I took the water and medicine and took some.

"Here, love" he said handing me the water.

"When you're feeling better, we can leave."

"I'm fine, we can go, let's just go back to your place, I don't want my mom to see me like this." I said in pain. I stood up and almost fell backwards because of the pain coming from my hips and butt.

"Babe, are you okay?" He ran to me.

"Yeah, I think you fucked me too hard." I laughed. I grabbed him so hard my knuckles turned white. He picked me up, and we left Marissa's house.

"You're so strong." I looked at him in awe, lust almost.

"Make out session when we get home." He said firmly. Turned on much?

"Okay, Daddy." I saw fire and lust burst into his eyes when I said that.

"I love you, baby boy."

"I love you too, Daddy."

"You know I'll protect you from anything right?"

"Of course."

"You just had a bad dream last night, I just wondered what it was."

"I'll tell you when we get home." I told him.

We walked back to his house. Once we got in, he sat on the couch and I followed.

"Okay tell me, baby boy."

"Okay here it goes. I was in an abusive relationship a few years ago, and I've never fully recovered from it. I yelled your name last night because you were there when he was coming to abuse me. You're the only one who cares and that's why I called for you. He used to beat me and yell at me. I feel safe with you, otherwise I never would have went with you last night. He used to burn me with his cigarette. He used to burn me with the lighter. He used to hit me if I cried. He hit me if I wore a skirt or makeup or anything girly. He was always drunk, and hit me with beer bottles, I still have scars from when I went to the hospital and they dug the glass out of my body." I lifted my shirt and on my right side was red scars. Michael ran his hand over them as his eyes filled with sadness.

"Baby, no." He said tears streaming down his face. I sat there as his hands traced my side and every indentation of the glass of where it was. I lift up my left arm sleeve and right above my elbow was a burn from a cigarette. I took off my bracelets showing him new scars of cuts I had just made three days ago.

"No!" He screamed. "Why?"

"I had to."

"No you didn't!" Michael yelled and I started crying wishing I had a blade right now. Michael stood and paced furiously across the floor, he hadn't even noticed I had gotten up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. There had to be something in here that would work. I found a razor. Perfect. I pressed it down to my skin and slid it across. A pretty color of red appeared at the line I had made, and I kept going. Michael finally realized I was gone and came to the bathroom door.

"Open this goddamn door!" He screamed and pounded on the door. I shook while I cut, afraid that he might actually break the goddamn door down. Tears ran down my face harder as he pounded on the door and I cut more and more. There was blood everywhere. On my clothes, on the floor, everywhere. Finally Michael gave up and I heard him lean against the door and slid down to the ground.

"I never wanted to hurt him. I wanted to love him. I just want him to love himself." Michael whispered, crying. "I'm never enough, I never was, never will be."

I heard Michael get up and walk into his room and shut the door. I stood up and opened the door. I looked around and then tiptoed to his bedroom door. I listened to see if I could figure out what he was doing. I heard muffled noises and I couldn't really tell what was happening. I silently opened the door and peeked in. My heart shattered.
"No!" I screamed I ran into the room. I tried furiously to get him on the ground. Where's something sharp when I needed it? I pushed Michael up with all my might and his head came out of the rope. I dropped him on the bed which was luckily two steps away.

Tears streamed down both our faces as we gripped each other tightly, not letting each other go. My blood was smeared everywhere. On the bed, on his clothes, across his face. He took my wrist and touched it very slightly, I winced. He stroked a thumb across my wrist, making a bigger mess. He kissed my wrists, now leaving blood stains on his lips. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. I now had blood stains on my lips.

"We're kind of a mess you know?" I said quietly.

"Everything in this world is a mess." He replied just as quiet. "But you, we, are a beautiful mess."

I smiled and closed my eyes. He played with my hair. Once he thought I was asleep he whispered something that I won't ever forget, "Don't ever leave me baby, because I can't live without you. I thought you were gone, and I couldn't bare it. I've kept that rope ever since my first attempt, I never thought I'd need it again. I love you, baby boy."

I heard everything, I just pretended I didn't. We lay in his bed until 5 p.m. then Michael was the first to move. He got up and whispered, "I'm gonna make something to eat." I nodded my head and followed him downstairs, hand in hand. Michael had a frozen pizza so we threw it in the oven to bake. He stood behind me putting his hands around me. We didn't say anything to each other the rest of the night. We ate our pizza in silence as we watched tv. We cuddled in silence as we watched a movie. We went to bed in silence, no 'I love you's, nothing. I'm not sure there was anything to say.

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